Lockdown diary - Anulom vilom
Lockdown diary - Anulom vilom

Day 14
Dear Diary,
Today I will share anulom vilom with you. For anulom vilom sit in any Dhyanatmaka asana like padmasana, vajrasana, siddhasan. Do the Pranav mudra of the right hand. For Pranav mudra fold your index finger and middle finger of your right hand. Close your right nostril with thumb and inhale in 4 counts through left nostril then close your left nostril with two last fingers like little finger and ring finger exhale through the right nostril in 4 counts or seconds, by rem
oving thumb from the right nostril. Then inhale through the right nostril and exhale through the left nostril. Repeat this process for 10 to 15 minutes.
The benefit of this asana are to increase concentration, for glowing skin, to decrease negativity.
Today we ordered some grocery. I kept that in the gallery for sun drying for three to four hours then took warm water and cloth and clean all the packets to disinfect them so that virus cannot enter. Nowadays this extra work added in my schedule.