



Lockdown Diary 16

Lockdown Diary 16

1 min

Day 16

Dear diary, 

Today I will share meditation with you. Meditation is also called as dhyan. Meditation is very important to increase concentration, to decrease negativity, to reduce depression and to increase will power. There are many more important to meditation. Meditation can di anybody from children to the eldest person. Even bedridden person can do meditation. For this sit in any dhyanatmaka asana, back straight,. Sick person can do it on bed close eyes and first tr

y to concentrate on your body parts by close eyes. Start from the left leg, right leg, abdomen, both hands, back,face, brain. Then concentrate on your breathing only. How are you inhaling and exhaling? Concentrate by close eyes. Then concentrate in between your eyebrows. Continue this process for 10 to 15 minutes. You can increase your time eventually. 

Today online classes of my son have started on the zoom app. Now I got little beat relief because he has engaged in his classes. 

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