pavani penumalla

Inspirational Others


pavani penumalla

Inspirational Others

Life - The Toughest Teacher

Life - The Toughest Teacher

2 mins

Life is the biggest mystery and the toughest teacher that could transform anyone with its unknown power. Every experience in our life teaches us something to lead our life in a better way, to build our personality in a new way. Life is a constant learning process. Life is a blend of failures and success, happiness and sorrow, winning and losing, difficulty and simplicity. 

Life will not be the same always. We come across different people with different attitudes and different characters. Some teach us how to do something or how to behave with others while some teach us how not to be. We come across different situations. We may deal with some of them far better than others but some situations teach us very toughest lessons that no one can tell us in life. 

 In life, the only competition you need to face is with who you were yesterday. While there are so many people who are very much confused about what life is, only some might understand the true purpose of life. Some run after the money, some run after the fame, some run after the success, some run after the love and care, some run after the happiness, but only a few people live their life with satisfaction.

Life has a funny way of teaching us. It will create a deep sadness so we come to know how to truly understand happiness. It will create chaos in our life so that we appreciate the peaceful times and it takes those whom we love away from us so that we will truly understand what their presence meant to us.

Life always teaches us a new thing until our last breath. Life always gives you a chance to discover the NEW YOU within you. Every person is a teacher. Every second is a lesson. Every minute matters.

In my final conclusion, 

                    I say, Everyone's life is different from others. You learn from your own life. Every second is a chance for yourself for finding the new you. That may be done by a person or your mistake. 

Finally, never stop learning in your life because life never stops teaching!


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