Increase Gross Domestic Product Or Eradicate Hunger
Increase Gross Domestic Product Or Eradicate Hunger

I never really understand the real meaning behind the Gross Domestic Product. Yes, I googled and attempted to research on the subject. But the definition was beyond my comprehension. Though I understood the literal meaning of it, the true essence remains a mystery. This is a general discussion where economic experts who focus on the rise and fall of the GDP. After all, it is supposed to be the economic scorecard of the country. It has a direct correlation to the goods and their value processed in the country. However, it does not people below the po
verty line. The actual development of the country lies not only in its strength in the commercial world. It also lies in the ability to provide all the necessary amenities to the entire population. Some might argue that the increase in this segment would enhance employment opportunities. But in a country with an excessive population, the job opportunities might never be enough. What should we concentrate today? Should we increase gross domestic product or eradicate hunger? Let me know your thoughts, and I do hope that this is not my last post.