A word is not just a combination of letters. It is a combination of emotions
Nice Nice
Friendship is one of the most important human relationships. Friendship is one of the most important human relationships.
First love..??? Travel!!! First love..??? Travel!!!
Mothers are the most selfless people in the world to their family and offsprings... Mothers are the most selfless people in the world to their family and offsprings...
I never really understand the real meaning behind the Gross Domestic Product. I never really understand the real meaning behind the Gross Domestic Product.
Love.... Love....
I love monkeys, and I suspect it is due to the genetic link I love monkeys, and I suspect it is due to the genetic link
The lockdown has been stressful in more than one way.... The lockdown has been stressful in more than one way....
Let's do some cooking Let's do some cooking