Anjali Srivastava

Abstract Drama Classics


Anjali Srivastava

Abstract Drama Classics

Incomplete Love

Incomplete Love

8 mins

In the city's largest park, there was a bench where Aniruddh sat every evening. His gaze always remained fixed on the distant horizon, as if waiting for someone. His heart was part of a story that could never be completed.

Kavita was not just a name but the purpose of his life. They met during their college days. Aniruddh dreamt of becoming a writer, and Kavita was his inspiration. Their friendship gradually turned into love. They saw many dreams together, but destiny had something else planned.

One day, Kavita told Aniruddh, "I have to go abroad for further studies." This news was a shock to Aniruddh, but he immediately composed himself and supported Kavita. Taking a deep breath, he said, "Kavita, this will be a big test for our love, but I support every decision you make. Complete your studies and fulfill your dreams."

Kavita looked at Aniruddh and felt the depth of his love and support in his eyes. Smiling, she said, "I promise I will return, and we will start our story anew."

This promise became a significant part of their love. Kavita began her preparations, and Aniruddh supported her every step of the way. He encouraged her, helped her, and always promoted her dreams.

The day arrived when Kavita had to leave. Aniruddh came to see her off at the station. Both had tears in their eyes, but their hearts held a strong belief. Kavita held Aniruddh's hand one last time and said, "Remember, this is just a temporary separation. We will meet again soon."

Aniruddh smiled and said, "I will wait for your return every day, Kavita. Our story is not over yet."

Kavita boarded the train and bid him farewell. The train slowly left the station, and Aniruddh stood in his place watching her leave. His eyes held faith and hope that their love would pass this test.

Kavita started her new life, and Aniruddh got a job in a big city, but their hearts remained connected. They wrote letters to each other regularly. Aniruddh thought he would first stabilize his career and then bring Kavita to him. But life doesn’t always go as planned.

In the city, Aniruddh became so busy with his work that his contact with Kavita lessened. Kavita tried several times, but distance and lack of time created a rift in their relationship. One day, Kavita's letters suddenly stopped coming. Aniruddh felt a strange restlessness. He wrote many letters to her, but there was no reply.

That time was very tough for Aniruddh. The scent of the letters and memories of Kavita were deeply ingrained in his life. When the letters stopped, an emptiness took over his heart.

Aniruddh returned to his old life and went to the park every evening where they often sat together, spending time with Kavita's memories. He tried hard, visited every place they had been to, and inquired with friends and acquaintances, but no one knew anything about Kavita. He searched for her everywhere but found no news.

Many days and nights passed in this restlessness. Aniruddh's life seemed to stand still. He kept reading the old letters, feeling every word, and cherishing Kavita's image in his mind. He lost himself in her letters. Each letter carried the fragrance of their love and memories of Kavita, but his heart knew something was wrong. Life felt incomplete without her, and his search seemed endless.

Time passed, but Aniruddh's hope never broke. His life moved on, but a part of his daily routine remained the same: every evening, he would sit on the same park bench where they had created countless memories. Sitting there, he often reminisced about the moments spent together, as if Kavita was right there with him.

The rustling of the park’s trees, the fragrance of the flowers, and the cool breeze always made him feel Kavita’s presence. He never lost hope that one day she would return.

He knew this time was a test of their relationship’s strength. He immersed himself in her memories and kept waiting for her return every day. His love was true and deep, and he knew that one day Kavita would come back, and their story would start afresh.

One day, an old woman approached Aniruddh. She was Kavita’s mother, who had raised Kavita with her own hands. She handed him an envelope. Aniruddh opened it with trembling hands. Inside was a letter from Kavita. It read, "Aniruddh, perhaps I may never come back. But I will always live in your heart. Our story may be incomplete, but our love will always remain alive."

That day, Aniruddh found out that Kavita’s marriage had been arranged. This news tore his heart apart. Despite Kavita's mother's pleas, he decided to meet her.

Kavita's mother tried hard to convince him, saying, "Why are you giving your heart more pain, son?" But Aniruddh's mind was fixed on meeting Kavita once.

He tried to calm her by saying, "Mother, I need to meet her once. Maybe I can stop her, make her understand that we are incomplete without each other."

With blessings, she said, "Go, son, may God be with you."

Aniruddh immediately bought a ticket and set off for Kavita’s city. Throughout the journey, many thoughts swirled in his mind. He was thinking about what to say to her, how to say it. But his heart held hope that maybe Kavita felt the same for him as he did for her.

When Aniruddh reached Kavita's house, his heart pounded. He rang the doorbell. Kavita's mother opened the door. Recognizing him immediately, she invited him in.

Kavita entered the room with surprise and a bit of unease in her eyes. Aniruddh seized the moment and spoke without wasting any time, "Kavita, I heard your marriage is fixed. But I can’t leave without telling you that I still love you as much as I did before."

Taking a deep breath, she replied, "Aniruddh, it's good to see you here. But it's too late now. My parents have arranged this marriage, and I’m ready to honor it for their happiness."

A wave of pain surged through Aniruddh's heart. "Is there no place left for me in your heart? Can't we live our dreams together?"

Tears welled up in Kavita's eyes. "You will always be in my heart, Aniruddh. But now I have made my decision for my family's happiness."

Aniruddh bid her a heavy-hearted goodbye and returned to his life. He held back his tears, convincing his heart, "Perhaps this was our fate."

Back home, he immersed himself in writing, expressing his pain through his stories. His writings reflected Kavita's image.

Aniruddh often read the letters Kavita had written, tears streaming down his face. Every time he read them, memories of their search, and the days of hope and despair, came flooding back. How time had separated them, but this letter revived those days when everything was simple and beautiful.

But this letter, found after so many years, testified to the immortality of their love. Today, these tears carried a strange peace. That letter was an important part of his past, a piece he had lost years ago.

Years later, as Aniruddh was sorting through his old books and papers, he suddenly found that letter. His eyes sparkled, and his heart filled with old memories. That letter bore witness to the beginning of their college days. Kavita had written it when she first confessed her feelings to him.

Aniruddh carefully kept the letter with him, like a precious treasure of his life. He thought to himself that perhaps this is the power of love, which never fades with time. That letter was no longer just a piece of paper for him; it was an immortal symbol of his and Kavita's memories.

He realized that Kavita's love had never left him. The letter was the ultimate proof of their love, which had transcended every obstacle of time.

Kavita's message deeply touched his heart. He thought their story might be incomplete, but their love was eternal. Aniruddh placed the letter in a special place, where it would always be in front of his eyes.

That day, Aniruddh understood that love doesn't always mean being together; it means living in each other's memories. Their story might have remained incomplete, but their love stayed alive forever. He knew that some stories might not reach completion, but their feelings and emotions always remain alive. For Aniruddh, Kavita's love was the greatest truth of his life, and this truth drew him to the park every evening.

Tears rolled down Aniruddh's cheeks. He looked up at the sky and said, "Kavita, I will always keep our incomplete story alive in my heart."

Kavita also tried to adjust to her new life. She read Aniruddh's stories and understood that he had never forgotten her. Though they walked on different paths, they cherished each other's memories.

As time passed, the pain in their hearts lessened, but their memories remained alive. Life had separated them, but their love story remained immortal.

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