Muneer Ahmad Mir

Romance Tragedy Thriller


Muneer Ahmad Mir

Romance Tragedy Thriller

If I Would Have Known

If I Would Have Known

2 mins

It was a day I was promoted and few other people joined our school. The day I felt an unknown attraction towards a newly joined girl who was jolly and helpful. We talked to each other and shared beautiful conversations. Soon we became friends and spent our time with each other. Everything was going well and now came a new phase and we began to date each other. I still remember the first long drive we took together. She was wearing a green dress and I don't remember mine but we were very happy. We went through the woods and finally stopped near a brook. I felt her aroma but tried to stop myself as I was a married man. We drove back and soon we found the way and began to fall into the bed and share intimate moments. We never cared about the opinion of the people and spent most of our time with each other. It was the pinnacle of our romance. During all these moments once we went on trekking and clicked the most romantic pictures where ever we found nature at its best. We enjoyed every breath of each other experiencing the beauty of our relation. 

Soon our good time changed to the bad one and I tried to ignore her. S

he tried every possible way to save our relation but I was adamant not to. We were on our vacations and she even reached my place but I sent her off to avoid any problem. Ultimately we stopped talking and she felt pathetic. She kept on texting me but I never responded as I thought that she will move on in her life. During all these moments people told me a lot about her. I even fought with many as they were blaming her and were admitting to have seen her with some other guys. I wasn't able to take it as I trusted her the most. 

It was the time when we came back. I ignored her for few days but now came a time when she approached and broke down many things and yelled out why I behaved in such a manner. I tried to persuade her to keep her calm but she didn't listen to me. Soon few of our friends came to my room and tried to evade the situation. Later we meet and said sorry to each other and patched up. Soon the moments of romance flourished back but there was a regular wrangling. We tried to search for every possible reason for all these fights. The relation was not working....

Continue Part 2

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