Victoria Dey

Abstract Tragedy Inspirational


Victoria Dey

Abstract Tragedy Inspirational

How to love?

How to love?

2 mins

Most people don't understand how to to love. They listen to songs, watch movies and read novels. They cheer when the hero ruins his life after the breakup. They go aww... when the heroine makes her whole life about loving him. Bullshit!! That's the Bullshit most people fees on and grow up to want. You did things sheer out of purity of feelings. You wanted to give your everything. You were ready to sacrifice everything in love. I won't blame you too much for the idiotic things you have done before, in, and after your first love. But if you have still not realised how one should love, then I hardly have any sympathy left for you.

 Look. Love is a part of life. Even in greatest love story on the planet, love is still a part of life, not your entire life. You still need to have a life beyond love.

You still got to nurture your relationship with your family and friends. 

You still have to be focused on your goals and dreams. 

 You still have to think about your own happiness. 

 And you still must stay in love with yourself. 

  And when you do all that you can love another person as well. That's called real love. That's called healthy love.  Otherwise, you are just drinking poison in a love cup, nothing else. Soon the symptoms will show up. Soon, your happiness will die. And soon, you will be crying for months in heartbreak. It's so simple yet so difficult for the people to understand. 


  If a person is taking you away from your people, your goals, your happiness. .. then that person is dragging you down to gutter. Possessiveness is not cute beyond a point. You have to let a person be free in love. Love isn't a cage that keeps you close to a person. Love is a home that you always go back to, on your own, because its home. 

 Stop tolerating assholes and bitches just because they say " I love you " after they piss hate and negativity in your life. You don't owe them your slavery in the name of commitment. You need to learn how to love my friend.  

 What you did in the name of love was blind slavery!  


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