His nights do pass by...not smoothly though!
His nights do pass by...not smoothly though!

"Hey, how are you today?" I asked him, his skin pale and his reaction a bit dull. "It was okay. The same old shit!", "What now? Another nightmare?", "I believe they are a routine for me now. Witnessing deaths and bloodshed every time I go off to sleep." He added. "I think you should stop reading all of those crime thrillers that you go through every now and then. They are probably adding to your imagination! Making you used to all these tense scenarios!", "Hahaha, you're blaming the likes of Dan Brown and Richard Osman for the torment my dreams cause me! Quite a speculation you have about the whole situation!" he smiled, looking a bit relaxed. "It's not just me, it's some of our common friends as well, who believe that you are having tough nights due to your curiosity towards criminal novels and articles that you read about them!" , "Fine! whatever it is, we'll discuss it once I come back from the office. Although, I don't think you're reaching any solid conclusion here!", "Bye! Have a better day, looking after the normal mundane peculiarities at work!" I almost laughed, was able to manage it.
"My husband has been disturbed off late, say the past few months. It's his dreams, he hasn't been able to sleep peacefully for a long time now.", "What about them? The dreams? Anything out of the ordinary?" Mr. O'Keefe said, breaking his silence, sipping hot coffee from the cup. "Yes, it's like he sees deaths and more deaths every day. He works as a computer engineer, which has no relevance to him having such thoughts at all! It's disturbing to me as well, sometimes he just gets up in the middle of the night screaming!", I added speaking to the therapist. "Hmm. So is it the same person dying every time? Or is he at war in someplace during his sleep? Any vivid descriptions by him?", "Yes, he says somehow faces look familiar.
He sees the detailed execution of people. Blood dropping by their chin, while some masked man puts a knife across the neck. Things of this sort. He even sometimes describes the clothes worn by the executioner, or maybe a mob fight happening before it!" I was literally out of breath as I spoke further. "We think, I mean me and some of our acquaintances, that this is because of his imagination going berserk due to his habit of reading crime fiction!" , "I would have to talk to the patient for a detailed analysis, but there seems to be more to the story than what you just added. Such kinds of dreams have an adverse effect on our psyche and may be dangerous for the person if they persist." , "Oh, is it? I mean you would know better.", I was a bit surprised. "Does he have problems with his work routine? I mean getting annoyed or terrified at the smallest of things that happen around? Or maybe avoiding to complain about routine stuff?", Mr. O'Keefe was still sipping his coffee. "Now that you mention it, he does avoid bickering with me at all times now. Just tries to play along with whatever I say.", "See, that's a sign, avoiding small arguments. Once you are used to extreme measures, like killing or cruel fights of any sort, you tend not to get involved in small verbal arguments. You can get addicted to a certain kind of sadness! He might even start to develop violent streaks of sorts as time goes on. Bring him to me I'll talk to him!" He put the cup aside, and I came back home.
I convinced my husband to go and see the therapist, he insisted that I came along with him, for the first therapy session. Since then, the two of them have been talking, alright! But, to what effect is his therapy working, I guess I'll have to wait and see, nothing has worsened so far. His nights do pass by....not smoothly though!