Corena Tefend



Corena Tefend




8 mins

Hekatisma was the daughter of Celeste. Hekatisma was married to Jess Hindi. Children, Hella the Helianism believer. I also suggest you read the acknowledgements on the next page. I wrote some things that are also good on the next page. Hekatisma once believed in Hekatism. The ones who believed in it there was the princesses named Titania and Harriette and Heneryetta and Lightninga. But Hekatisma is the creator of it. At first, she wanted her family and other mewmans to believe in it. But it was her mistake that she told others about it. She ruined some lives without some mewmans knowing it. Turns out that a lot of people know that its fake. But some stupid people didn't know that it's not real when Hekatisma told them about. A lot trusted her. So that meant a lot have followed her religion and whatever else she believed in.

Hekatism is a lot different than Helianism. Even though they both sound alike. Hekatism is a lot like Judaism in a way. And the most thing that they have common is that they are both broken religions. Judaism is broken because Christianity was more right. Helianism is more right than Hekatism. Hekatism was Hekatisma's broken religion. Hekatisma wrote in her journal she doesn't know why she ever created that religion. It only broke her faith and her belief in good.

When Hekatisma had a child and she started to believe in something else, Hekatisma already broke up with the religion called Hekatism. No one knows for sure. But Hekatism could have believed in what her child had said. Or she might've just been nice to her and pretended to believe in it. She was known to not believe in anything that little kids say. Hekatism might've or might've not known that she had to have a religion or something bad happens at the end of her life. She could've believed in Helianism when her daughter told her about it. Although she never told anyone that she believed in religion after she broke up with Hekatism.

Hekatisma's mother believed in Celestialism until Hekatisma found a religion that she thought would be better. Turns out that it was worst and it didn't feel normal or right. Christianity was better. But Hekatisma didn't want to believe in it because it was too much to do. Hella, however, wanted no butterfly in her family left behind. She wanted all of her family to believe in the same thing so they both get to go to the same kind of heaven. But most importantly, they get to go to heaven instead of a terrible place.

So how did Hekatism start and why did Hekatisma think that it was a good idea when she was blinded by the proof of that religion. Let's go back to when she was a child. Of course, Hekatisma gave the religion a name. She named it Hekatism. Of course, there is a male god. Part of the religion is true. But one part was very bad. The god's name is Hekatar. Christianity believes that he already had come and washed their sins away. But Hekatism and Judaism believe that he has not come yet. Hekatisma waited for Hekatar a lot of years. But he never came.

Christianity or Hekatism or Judaism isn't really her country's religion. How does she know about it, you ask? Well, it all started when she just received her wand. It transformed into hell and heaven transportation wand. That meant that she can go to any heaven or hell without even dying. She could help the faithless victims out of a treacherous abyss. Which she did for a lot of mewmans. But she couldn't after she gave the wand to her daughter. Anyways, she then rode on her horse to stop a war that was in another country. It wasn't her country. But being born a butterfly, you have to help other countries because you have magic and that is the greatest weapon of all. Of course, the battle was nothing knew to Hekatisma. She had to go to war instead of her mother because her mother was busy and Hekatisma was the one who had the wand now.

Of course, Hekatisma won. And as a reward for her bravery, the country proudly gave her a Bible. Hekatisma said why do I need this for. I believe in Celestialism as my mother does. The faithful people then told her that they know. They then said just read it. You might be surprised about what you might believe in next. So Hekatisma then read it both night and day. She thought of it as a story. She then created a religion that was similar to Judaism. Hekatisma even used her magic to make the god named Hekatar. His name to mewmans was god the father. Hekatism then created his daughter who was later named Hekatia. Hekatia, later on, split paths with the religion and later on married Hades. The Pursephone relig

ion. Their children were named Harriette and Heneryetta. Heneryetta and Harriette were also future names of Hekatisma's generation. Some of her grandchildren would be named after Hekatia's children.

Hekatisma also wrote in her journal that religions are a lot complicated than she thought. Hekatar came for some of his mewmans years ago. But Hekatisma didn't see him coming. Therefore since she was not present at the circle of faith and Hekatism believers, Hekatar did not bring her up there with him. Hekatisma's first crush was him. And she was very disappointed when he didn't come. She thought that he didn't come yet like he said he would that year. But she wasn't the only one that was forgotten. Others were too. But not that many. Some who still believe that he will come still waits a lot of years for his return. Hekatisma's mother was later mad at Hekatisma for waiting for his return because Hekatisma wanted to marry him and to be in heaven with him.

She was okay with giving away her crown to some villager. But that didn't happen. Hekatisma was then old. Celeste wanted her child to hurry up and marry before she gets so old that she can't have children anymore. Hekatism, later on, gave up on the dream about wanting to marry him. So she instead married the guy named Jess Hindi. Despite their religious beliefs, they married because they had a lot in common even though they also had a lot of differences. Even though Hekatisma gave up hope on marrying Hekatar, she still didn't give up hope on his return. Jess Hindi believed in Hinduism. That was why his last name is Hindi. Because the very first of his generations believed in that religion. So they gave themselves that last name for honouring their religion.

On the other hand, Hekatisma and Jess do not like to talk about their religious differences. They would fight whenever someone would bring that up. There was even a fight at their wedding when the priest asked them what is their religion. Hekatism soon gave birth to her little girl named Hella. Hekatisma, later on, would wish that she didn't name her child that because it sounds like the bad word hell and no little kid should hear that word. Later on, was when Hekatisma's mother died and Hekatisma was getting older and soon broke down in her bedroom. Her daughter saw her mother crying. Hella was too young to understand and tried to be sweet towards her. Hekatisma knew what Hella was doing. But no one could fix the twisted faith that she was in.

Hekatism didn't want to break Hella's faith in the religion that Hekatisma taught her. Hekatisma also wrote down that faith is a gentle thing that can break very easily if you start to believe in something else. It just shows you that faith is very fragile. Not too long after Hekatisma ended the faith with Hekatism was when Hella told her about Helianism. Hekatisma might have not believed in it because she probably thought that it was just another religion that might break her heart more. There was no proof or writings showing that she believed in another religion after a while. There was also no proof saying that she didn't believe in another religion. Even if she did, she might not want others to know about what she believed in next because others might want to believe in it too.

Hella already had others following that religion. Hekatisma realized that she was not a good role model and didn't make a lot of good decisions and her child was better at it than her. That was why Hekatisma let Hella be the leader of a lot of things at just a young age. Later in was when Hekatisma gave Hella the wand. Years later was when her daughter married and had a child who was named Helix.

A few years later was when Hekatisma died of a faithless soul. Others believed that being faithless affected her mood and death. Others refused to believe that and argued with the ones believed in the truth. The ones who believed in the lie told them that she died of age because she was very old. Of course, that was how Hekatisma's death made a feud for 2 parts of her family. On her father's side, they believed in the truth because they could take the dark and hardcore truth. But on Hekatisma's mother's side, they believed in the lie and started to fight the family that was on her mother's side. Everyone knew that the fight started at her funeral. They were first talking and then they were fighting. (Physically and emotionally). Please let me know if you do not like me being too religious with these alien religion stories. Remember that they are not the real ones and no one should believe them. The end.

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