Moon the movie star
Moon the movie star

Moon was the daughter of Daedra the mother of the night. Children, Nixie the pixie. Moon was also the first deciple of the night. Moon created the medieval times all over again. She was another dark queen. She was born at midnight when only a star was shown because all the other stars already went to sleep. Moon was known to study the books of nights in her bedroom at night and she was known to be the only one up by then. Moon was born on a moon day
Moon was fearless and known as the midnight hero. Moon did not like stars at night. She also liked the quiet. And she didn't like being disturbed when doing things at night. She hated hearing alot of shooting stars pas by at night. And like Noturna, she slept during the day and woke up and did work at night. When Moon got her wand at 14 years old, it transformed Into 2 stars that was sparkly yellow and 2 other stars that was sparkly yellowish orange. With it, she can take away stars and anything bright. But the only problem was was that she cannot take the day sky away. She cannot take all the brightness away, only a few bright things. When she tried to make the blue sky turn into the night, all she saw was an indigo flash on her wand and she heard a noise that usually appeared when something doesn't work. She asked her mother about why she cannot turn the sky into the night. Her mother said it is because the high five commision casted a spell on the wand so that the night would not last for that long. They didn't want that to happen again after what Noturna did. Though I wish us night queens can take a break from the day whenever we feel like it. Ever since then, Midnight took away as much bright things as her wand would let her. Since it was not enough taking away just a few dark things, she used all the kingdom's money to pay for the electricity to go out.
Mewmans never had to pay for electricity, but they would have to pay for it to go out. It would take all the kingdom's money for a dark queen to make the electricity go out. And that is what caused another great depression. But it was known as the great depression of the black outs. Midnight was not completely cruel, she left the electricity on for only 2 hours. It would be like night to her and that even covered up the day sky with darkness. She created the midieval times. Dark times already have came, but medical times didn't come until Moon came and made her mistakes. Moon created the revolution of second night and day wars between night and day mewmans eventually did not get along because of that. The mewmans who are night mewmans are born at night and saw the mewmans born in day too annoying and different.
There has been families that had had fights just because one of them or few was born in the day or night. The day mewmans even started to like the night mewmans. The day mewmans called the night mewmans dark people who are always depressed. When Daedra did not know what to do and she was tired of her people fighting, even with their families, she needed advice from her daughter even. Moon told her mother the idea she had about day mewmans and night mewmans being seperate so that there can be the balance of harmony again. The people would have got along with her family if it wasn't for moon who broke their friendship. And for a very long time, Moon seperate day mewmans and night mewmans.
All the night mewmans who were born in different countries moved to mewni to be on that side. Even though alot of them spoke a different language, Moon thought that that language was not as different as day is from night. All the day ones went away from Mewni and over to the other side. Moon made there only to have one ruler to rule that side. Before then, there was different countries. But now she made it turn into one full contenent. There was alot of space on that planet now. And now the night and day border did not share one full border. No money would even change their mind. And if a day Mewman comes crossing into the night Mewman territory, they are considered illegal and is to be put in jail. Midnight chose the ruler who would rule the day territory. And she made alot of rulers go out of business since it was decided that there only be one ruler to rule the other side.
The countries on mewnimarica's side and on the day Mewman side are free for the same type of mewmans to cross them and that was no longer illegal until a night queen would fight a day and night war and would finally combine Mewni back togather and chose rulers who would rule every country like they used to way back then. The mewmans who used to be rulers got mad at Moon for making them go out of business.
Moon was not even a queen yet and she already made very important decision and chose alot of bad decisions. There would not be a night and day war until a few hundred years later when a new queen sits on the throne and wins the war and settles their differences. The night and day seperation would last for 200 hundred years. Moon wanted to marry for love, but the men she loves would have to be born at night. because they did not be ruthless against the people.
When Moon turned 16 years old, she was willing to reveal her worst secret. She wrote down that her wand is very bright and only take away certain bright things, but it can never turn dark itself. Moon decided to reveal her wand at a ball because every queen is supposed to show the people what their wand looks like. since she taught her peop
le to hate the day, they all didn't like her for that reason. When Moon turned 18 years old, she still didn't have a husband. And soon was when her mother died.
The kingdom badly needed a ruler then, but Moon couldn't rule until she Marry's. Even thoughidnight was not the queen yet, she was still forced to take embracive action and go to war. The war was on another planet, but she had to fight in it because she was the only one who had a wand and that planet was mewni's friend. It was called eurystheus. It was known as the third earth. She was fighting against the mytheroids and their galaxy planet. She was only hurt a few times because of it. But she could handel that. Whenever she was hurt, she still would not quit fighting and she never took a break or laid down. Even when one hurt started hurting so much because she hadn't doctored it yet. Then it came down to her most darkest spell called the space release.
she made a spell that can make you not breathe because of her spell that can take oxygen away. As one of the most cruelest queens in mewni's history, Moon would certainly know that spell works. That was the only spell of her's that did not take brightness away from something. She also learned to make things darker and darker with her magic. After she used that space release spell was when she met her future husband. At first, he complimented her on her magic and told her that that is very impressive. The guy's name was Nox. Thunderland. And it was obvious that he had an interest in her from the start. He then told her that she would be good at his knight training emporium.
Moon said thanks, but I am not a real knight. I am actually into girl things. I was just fighting because that is my job in my kingdom. The most things that Midnight talked about with Nox was all about how both of their economies work different ways. They also spoke about the big changed that their kingdom did not have in the past like it does now. When Nox asked her to marry him, Moon told him that ofcourse she will marry about, but the marriage has to be at Moon because she is afraid of the day sky. After Moon was wed to him was when her only child was born. Her name was Nixie. Nixie loved fairies. But her favorite kinds was pixies. They may be smaller, but they are prettier than fairies to her. Nixie was also known as one of the most smallest princesses.
You heard of birth medicine that can make you be more likely to have a girl or boy right, well before Nixie was born, Moon made sure that her child was born at night. And thanks to Midnight's sweet dreams spell, Nixie was born at night. But during the orcandox neon ball game show that Moon was watching at the time when her child was born and Moon did not know that she would be born that night though. Moon checked to see what stars Nixie was born under because every queen's birth certificate has the stars they were born under on that paper. Nixie was sborn under shooting stars that flew like fairies.
Nixie was a half star queen and a half night queen. She was more night because of the blank space in the sky being so big that night. And you can hardly tell that she is a star queen. And that is why Moon named her Nixie. Nixie always liked to fix things and solve problems because she was every caring. Especially when she was little. When her mother was yelling or something and Nixie came by and said what is wrong mother. Midnight said nothing, I am just having a problem with your father. Now play with fairies. Moon then shut her door. When Nixie turned 14 years old, Moon then gave her the wand. But mad she promise to use her spells to turn bright things down or off while she is around. When Nixie turned 18 years old was when she announce her marriage to Night dale. Moon believed that she taught her daughter well because of Nixie marrying a night Mewman like Moon had wanted. After Nixie was wed was when she thought that she was going to become the new queen of Mewni, but Moon told her that rules will change for this generation because she will rule how long she wants. Nixie was disappointed because she thought of all the things that she would do that she mother wouldn't do. Nixie's child was soon born. Her name was Nightley.
She wouldn't be the ruler in all of mewni's history. But she was the oldest ruler for a long time. She was middle aged in the medieval times and those times were still going around. Even then. People did wish that Moon did not live so long because she did bad things to the kingdom. Moon also did not give the crown to her daughter until she was dead. Everyone was glad that Moon wrote in her will that the crown goes to her daughter because in Moon mind, they didn't know what was going on in there and as afraid of her doing the worst thing ever. The worst thing that she could do was make the medieval times last long after her death by her giving the crown to the wrong person in her will. But thankfully, Nixie got the crown and stopped the medieval times. But the night mewmans and day Mewmans were still sperated. Queen Moon died at midnight.
She died from getting stuck in tar that was deeper than her body. There was a tar eruption that caused Moon to get stuck while she was in the forest trying to get another idea for a spell. Thankfully, the people found the crown and the wand safe from harm. Moon must have protected it while the star killed her. Moon was called the second Noturna. She was also called the star killer