Ghosts Of Her Past Part - 4
Ghosts Of Her Past Part - 4

The first thought that came to Ashna’s mind as she stepped back into her apartment was about her ailing mother. She pulled out her mobile phone and hurriedly punched her cousin sister Kavita’s number.
“How is Ma, Kavita Didi?” She asked anxiously as soon as Kavita picked up the phone.
“Oh, she is fine,” Kavita said yawning, “how was the party?”
Ashna fell silent as she thought about the bizarre events from the evening.
“Ashna?” Kavita was surprised by her silence, “are you there?”
“Veer has proposed to me, Didi.” Ashna said sheepishly.
“Wow!” Kavita’s shrieks over the phone were deafening, “congratulations Ashna, I am really very happy for you.”
“No didi,” Ashna was embarrassed, “I can’t accept it.”
“You know why.” Ashna said as ghosts of her past clouded her face, “After what happened to me, I can’t trust any man.”
“It was an accident Ashna,” Kavita was furious, “It was not your fault. Are you going to spoil your entire life brooding over your past?”
“I don’t know Didi,” Ashna shrugged, “I still can’t get over it.”
“You have to move on Ashna. It’s been 8 years now.” Kavita took a deep breath and asked, “What did you say to him?”
“I told him that I need some time to think.”
“Good!” Kavita said nonchalantly, “Call him in the morning and say ‘yes’.”
“But Didi…”
“Do as I say Ashna,” Kavita said sternly but then gulped down and softened her tone, “Look Ashna, Veer is the perfect guy for you. If you let him go because of some stupid fancy of yours, you are definitely going to regret it later. So just give him a call in the morning and say exactly as I have told you.”
“He is going to his hometown tomorrow and has asked me to join him.”
“Then you must go.” Kavita was on cloud nine, “And don’t worry about your mother. I will take good care of her. Good night sweetie.”
Kavita hung up and Ashna thumped herself on the sofa. She knew Kavita was right and she must move on. But there was something that still held her riveted to her past.
* * * *
Ashna was running through lonely streets screaming for help, dressed in
the uniform of her school. There was nobody on the desolate piece of land who could save her from the horror she was trying to run away from. A masked man of athletic built was chasing her with the speed of light. She was sure that she will sooner or later fall prey to him. But this time, she was determined to peel the mask off her face. She ran faster as she saw him right behind her. The next moment, he grabbed her by the waist and lifted her off the ground. Before he could put her to sleep, she pulled on his mask with all her strength and tore it off his face. She gave up her struggles and froze as her eyes recognised the face.
Ashna woke up screaming and found herself lying on the sofa, safe and sound within her apartment. She looked all around and found that her apartment brightly lit by the strong rays of the sun. She instantly flashed her head toward the clock.
“It’s already 8 a.m. and his train leaves at 9!” Ashna said as she jumped to her feet and rushed to the washroom.
* * * *
Veer sat on his easy chair with a glass of whisky in his hand, blankly staring at the magnificent ceiling of the palatial Rathore Mansion. He was heartbroken as Ashna has rejected his proposal. He was sure that she will definitely accompany him to Rajgadh as he waited for her at the railway station in the morning. He even kept looking out of the window every now and then, searching for her face among the crowd as the train moved on.
But she didn’t come. He felt a stab of pain deep down his chest and gulped it down with a sip of whiskey. He closed his eyes and drew a deep breath as the liquor made its way down his throat. He opened his eyes again and craned his neck to look at the clock. It was 11.30 and there was still a wait of half-an-hour before he could sneak into his mother’s room and surprise her with her birthday cake. He has planned to make her birthday even special by introducing her to Ashna as her future daughter-in-law.
“Man proposes, God disposes,” Veer said as he shared his agony with the glass that he held in his hand.
He was jolted by a knock at the door.
“Yes,” He turned his head around.
“There is a guest waiting for you downstairs sir.” A servant informed him.
“Okay,” Veer said, “I will be there in a moment.”
‘Who can it be at this hour of the night?’ Veer wondered as he got to his feet and wrapped a robe around.