Gandhari-The Princess Of Valleys
Gandhari-The Princess Of Valleys

She was standing near a small window of her magnificent bedroom chamber, her face beautiful but her eyebrows tensed and her hands moving nervously. A few miles away, a war had already started between cousins of Kuru clan and the prophecy was Gandhari’s hundred evil sons will vanquish in this war. “Are my sons evil?” She shuddered at the thought. She felt a cool breeze on her face, which should make her feel better instead there was a typical stink. The smell of dead bodies lying in the battle field was filling in the air. She was petrified when the memories which she buried into herself every night since her marriage were surfacing again into the reality, a devastation which she had faced many years back, Gandhari felt haunted.
“Gandhari, my brave daughter whirl your sword this way!” a loud and challenging voice of her father echoed in Gandhari’s mind and transported her to a life which was left behind many years ago. The visual of the father - daughter duo practicing the skill of the sword together emerged before her eyes. King Subala of Gandhar was mentoring her, but Gandhari just kept admiring the efficiency and strength of her handsome father. This Kingdom whose name was given to her, a country, cold and full of valleys but its people always radiated warmth of love, innocence and kindness. Gandhari, the princess of Gandhar surrounded by loving and supportive family of her father, brothers and a humble Kingdom.
Her youngest brother Shakuni who was observing the duel from far, approached her limping and quickly whispered something in her ears, hearing them Gandhari stumbled, “I, ah, what are you saying, I can’t do it” she told her brother panicking a bit. Her grip on the sword loosened and within a second the edge of her father’s sword was pointing at her throat. “What are you doing Gandhari, you lose your focus this way in war and the next moment you are dead!” yelled her father and she lowered her eyes and looked slowly towards her brother. Shakuni’s eyes were brimming with mischief as usual, unlike her other brothers, Shakuni was not a warrior type, but if combined all the physical strength of her father and brothers they would not match the sharpness of his intellect and smart tactics. “Gandhari, my dear child, you can get distracted easily, you should not pay attention to him every time, ” she heard her father saying while placing his hand lovingly on her shoulder. He then turned, irritated towards Shakuni “As usual, you must have whispered some trick in her ears, Shakuni”, and King Subala thought to himself how this boy who had hardly reached the length of his shoulders yet but was able enough to bend the toughest through his cunning.
Shakuni looked at his father’s face feigning innocence and Gandhari came and stood smilingly besides him “no no, father, he was only teasing me about something”. King Subala looked at his children with a straight face at first, but then burst out laughing “Oh my dear children, how you both support and indulge each other”, he then leaned and caught Shakuni’s shoulders tightly “My smart son, always be the strength of your sister, but listen to her wise advice too, never leave her alone when even none of us are alive ok, do you promise?” Shakuni gave a full smile to his father saying “I promise father”. Gandhari flinched at her father’s words, but shrugged it from her mind thinking it as the concern of a doting father.
Gandhari and Shakuni both were not aware that those words were said with a purpose as the spies on the border of Gandhar had informed King Subala that a huge army led by regent Bheeshma of Hastinapur was coming towards their kingdom. They might be reaching there within a day or two. King Subala was confused by this information as there had never been any enmity between Gandhar and Hastinapur. Gandhar was much smaller and peaceful. For years they had not fought any wars as they never attacked any kingdom, nor did anybody come to seize them. He could not decipher the reason of this approaching army of Hastinpur but what worried him most was the Great Bheeshma himself with his army, this was not a good indication, thought King Subala “to seize us Bheeshma himself need not come along, his powerful army is enough but Bheeshma's presence says it’s much more they intend apart from capturing our kingdom”.
One early morning when Gandhari was standing on the balcony of her chamber, admiring the surrounding valleys and snow-capped mountains which was her daily ritual, she suddenly saw a big cloud of dust rising some distance away from her Kingdom, she heard the galloping of speeding horses and before she could make sense of it all she saw a man emerging from the dust cloud shining like a sun. His frame was huge, his face was godly and his entire persona was glowing. Gandhari was stunned to see him and wondered if he was real. At that moment, she heard the calls of her father and brothers asking all their soldiers to get ready and take their positions to tighten the security at the gates of their city. Gandhari quickly tied her long flowing hair in a bun, picked up her sword & armor and rushed downstairs.
Gandhari was stopped in her tracks by her father “Gandhari wait, you will not march with us towards the city gates” “Why father? do you doubt my warrior skills?” King Subala said “no my brave child, I can never do that, but Gandhari we are not sure if they have come to fight”. Gandhari was now confused, “Father, we can't be unsure, looking at the way they are approaching us with such a grand army, their intentions are very clear!” “Yes Gandhari, but they had never sent any war messenger to us, Hastinapur has no reason to attack us. They are Aryans and they do not fight without following the ethics. So first we need to meet and find out the exact reason from the Great regent Bheeshma”. Gandhari pondered on her father’s response for a while and replied “Ok Father, but my question remains the same, why can’t I accompany you?” King Subala smiled lovingly at his daughter and replied “Because you’re a woman, my brave child” Gandhari’s eyes widened “Father! But you never discriminated? This is the custom of Aryans, those foreigners! They keep their women behind curtains and in veils, not us, women in this kingdom shares equal status in the fight and in life too with their male counterpart”. King Subala smiled again and said “Yes, exactly my point daughter, it’s the custom of Aryans and we are their host, so we must respect their culture, isn’t it?” Gandhari found no other point to debate with her father. She agreed to stay back, but when she saw her father and brothers riding out of the palace on their stallions, she felt uneasy and vulnerable.
Gandhari was waiting with other women of the palace and her teenaged brother Shakuni who also stayed back. This waiting seemed like an eternity to her when suddenly she heard the gatekeepers announcing the arrival of King Subala’s entourage and then also of Bheeshma. Gandhari was still in her armor and was holding her sword when Bheeshma first spotted her. His expressions were clearly showing he was not pleased with what he saw. King Subala nodded towards Gandhari’s care taker and she whispered something in her ears, Gandhari gave stubborn expression and showed no signs of moving, but then noticed her father’s eyes reminding of the conversation earlier. She turned to go inside the palace, but before that she also noticed her brother Shakuni’s eyes fixed at Bheeshma. He seemed to be observing him closely.
Everyone was now in the assembly hall of their palace and Gandhari with other women was standing in a corner near the throne of her father dressed into more feminine clothes and jewellery now. But she was fuming inside as she was asked to cover her head with her long robe. She could not understand why as a host she needs to adhere to all their customs. But this was all at her father’s behest and she can’t say no to him. Bheeshma was sitting besides her father, the place reserved for her brothers, when he spoke Gandhari noticed that he had a voice like a thundercloud, she was so impressed that at first she failed to notice the murmur it created in the assembly hall and it was only few minutes later Gandhari realized he was speaking about her. He had a proposal for the
eldest prince of Hastinapur, Dhritrshatra. Gandhari could not even grasp the name of this Prince properly and here is this regal man proposing her marriage to this Prince. Gandhari felt numb, she could not understand exactly what to feel and how to react to it. She looked at her father and he too looked puzzled.
King Subala folded his hands to return the gesture of respect to Bheeshma and asked for some time to discuss it with her daughter. Bheeshma appeared displeased at this response as it was not expected of him. He again spoke in his husky voice, “King Subala, choosing political and marriage alliances is men's duty and its the matter of household known well by women". Gandhari’s face flushed red now, but her father gestured her to stay calm. He maintained a courteous tone and addressed Bheeshma “Sire, customs, and traditions of our land are different and as a host we do respect yours, however, our norms of marriage mandate us to give equal say to the woman in every decision. She does have the freedom to make or reject a choice. So please give me a day’s time and until then we ask you to give us this opportunity to be your host tonight”. Bheeshma sighed, it was clear he didn’t agree, but just nodded to show his agreement to King Subala’s request. As he was turning around to leave, Gandhari could not stop herself from addressing him directly “Great Sire Bheeshma, please accept my apologies, I don’t mean to offend you by this question, but I still can’t understand the need of bringing the entire army if the intent of your visit was only a marriage proposal?” In response, at first Bheeshma gave her a long look and then replied “Dear child, too much curiosity does not beget any good to a woman, always remember this”, Gandhari was shocked and her father looked embarrassed. She could not understand how Bheeshma was asserting such superiority on her and her father in their own kingdom.
“But father just because they are a powerful Kingdom, we should accept the marriage proposal?” Gandhari was feeling overwhelmed when her father suggested her it would be wise to agree to Bheeshma’s proposal. King Subala got up slowly from his armchair and in a low voice explained her, “Gandhari, my wise daughter, do you know people of our Kingdom believe and revere you as an incarnation of Mati Devi (Goddesses of wisdom) and I believe that too. You can think about this proposal and I will respect your decision”. He started turning to go back to his armchair but stopped and turned to look into the eyes of Gandhari, he spoke softly “Gandhari, I trust you and I know you too love this kingdom as much I do. I know you will uphold your duty as a princess of your people first and then my daughter”. Gandhari was silent with moist eyes. She could not sleep the entire night, tossing, and turning in her bed. When she sat up in her bed the next day, she was a determined woman.
“Great Sire Bheeshma, we accept the marriage proposal, ” said King Subala managing a smile on his face. Gandhari stood expressionless beside him while Bheeshma was grinning ear to ear. He looked happy and gave an all knowing smile to Gandhari. She just lowered her eyes. Bheeshma announced that the marriage ceremony will take place at Hastinapur as per Aryan customs and he asked King Subala to prepare for the journey. King Subala let out a sigh of helplessness and nodded. Gandhari had to start the journey with her family to Hastinapur immediately. They received a grand welcome at Hastinapur and at the entrance to the Royal palace, Gandhari was surprised to see a woman who commanded respect from everyone around including Bheeshma. She was Satyavati, a woman whose ambitions had made young Devavarta take terrible vows and he became the great Bheeshma world knows today. She indeed had a strong personality. For the first time Gandhari felt some respect for a person from the Royalties of Hastinapur. Satyavati performed all the welcome rituals and besides her were two docile queens, Ambika, and Ambalika, widowed but mothers of strong Dhritrashtra and obedient Pandu.
Gandhari was feeling suffocated in the overly luxurious chamber, she was given and decided to take a stroll around the palace. In the corridor she saw a fair, handsome, and a sturdy looking young man coming towards her. Gandhari heard few maids giggling looking at her and the Prince, she blushed and looked coyly towards that young man as she immediately realized he was none other than Prince Drithashtra. “But why he was looking straight?” he doesn’t seem to notice her when she was standing right in front of him. It appeared as if Prince was looking into a void. While Gandhari was wondering, Prince Drithrashtra just walked past her and she was furious that he didn’t even acknowledge her. But she heard hushed voices of maids again, “Oh, Prince Drithrashtra didn't realize the presence of his future wife, ” said one, “No, No, it will take some time for him to sense her presence, as soon as he will be accustomed to her footsteps”. Gandhari was shocked “My footsteps?” she wondered aloud and suddenly the truth dawned on her, “Prince Drithrashtra is blind!” “my future husband is blind and am not even told about it!” now everything fell into the place, the entire puzzle was solved. Why Bheeshma approached them with an army, why she was chosen as a bride for Drithrashtra. Everything made sense now and Gandhari was trembling with anger and frustration.
Next day, marriage festivities began in Hastinapur, the city was being decorated and everyone in palace looked happy. But Gandhari stormed into the assembly palace where her father was seated with Bheeshma and her brothers discussing about marriage preparations. They all looked at her surprised. Gandhari had paled in one night, she looked at her father and while tears trickled down from her eyes, her expressions were fierce and she spoke almost in a whisper to King Subala “Prince Dritrashtra is blind”. As soon as the reality of her words was understood by her father and brothers, they flew into rage. They got up in the middle of discussion shouting “Betrayal!” “This is betrayal”. They drew out their swords. Bheeshma stood calm, as usual in his authoritative tone and demanded King Subala to put his sword back but he didn’t relent this time. Bheeshma’s expressions changed, he drew out his sword too, and the soldiers of Hastinapur rushed towards her brothers. Within few moments Gandhari saw her family getting defeated and all of them taken as captives. At that moment Shakuni also came limping inside the room and was frozen like a statue, unable to absorb the sudden turn of events. Gandhari’s tears were dried now and she was staring at Bheeshma with fury. Bheeshma ordered his soldiers to take her father and all her brothers into the prison sparing only Shakuni considering he was still a child and weak to do any harm. Bheeshma then gestured and few soldiers gathered around Gandhari as well, it was a clear indication. Gandhari will be under house arrest in Hastinapur until marriage.
Before leaving, Gandhari turned around and looked into Bheeshma’s eyes. It was as if they spoke to each other without uttering any words and Gandhari made a promise to Bheeshma in that silence. It was a promise of destruction. That was the last time Bheesma saw the beautiful blue eyes of Gandhari, as when he saw her next in a marriage ceremony, she had already taken a vow of keeping herself blindfolded. While everybody spoke of virtuous Gandhari sacrificing her site for her husband, only Bheeshma knew it was only beginning of that silent promise of destruction.
Gandhari was now talking to herself, “I wanted destruction for Bheeshma and this entire clan, but I didn’t realize when I too got caught up in my own rage as much as Bheeshma”. "Power and revenge are no good to anybody and it’s not worth carrying it on your conscience, son” she remembered saying these last words to Duryodhana when he departed for the war, but when Duryodhana along with his ninety-nine brothers commanded his army to march towards war field, Gandhari understood there is no turning back for him now, the way she never turned back from her first attack to Bheeshma by blindfolding herself on the day of her marriage and the events which unfolded after that were as a result of it.