Geo Antony

Drama Others


Geo Antony

Drama Others

Fear To Help

Fear To Help

1 min

At childhood we come across incidents that sticks in our memories forever. Some puts smile on our face and for some we regret. This is story of a boy who had such an experience for which readers should decide whether he have regret or not.

 It was the year 2006, a twelve year old boy was lighting his first cracker for Diwali in a street of sub-urban area. That desi made "nattuvedi"s sound makes him feel powerful and satisfactory. His mother and sister were watching him from the terrace, but most he cared about was his crush. She was talking to her friends 2-3 ft away, having a glance over him. He has make sure four things to prevent him from becoming a joke. First, light the cracker secondly make sure he lighted it third run without slipping and falling and final pray to god that the cracker burst. Too much pressure for a 12 year old, isn't it?. Within few seconds he fired the cracker turned around and it blasted. Smoke everywhere, he saw his crush, she closed her eyes and her ears with hand. His heart smiled and he felt great inside as he made her proud in front of her friends. As he turned to see the smoke, he saw a mysteries old man coming out of it. He almost nude wearing only a "kacha" underwear. Wrinkled sing, pitch black, missing front teeth and hard working hands asking for something more of like begging. He was afraid at first but soon realize he was not there to hurt him but to ask for help.

The old man said " Thambi, please give me four crackers for my grand children". The grip on the pack tightened and he moved a second behind. The old man was looking into his eye

s with a sad face. Before he could say or do anything, he thought of how he got these crackers. Last evening his mother gave him fifty rupees nd told him to buy cracker for diwali. He took it and went to sivakasi crackers where he saw what he wanted a shot with various of colour. He crossed crowd and give fifty to shopkeeper and said " Anna, give me that shot". He took the note and said "Thambi, this shot cost two thousand and five hundred. For you I can give nattuvedi 100 for 50". Smile on the boys face faded and just thought of his sister. Boy said " Anna, give me nattuvedi for twenty five rupees and for another twenty-five give me some chakra and pambuvedi." The shopkeeper got angry and said "Thambi, why are you disturbing me" and told his assistant to give the boy what he asked. Boy brought that to home and gave chakra and pambuvedi to sister. Saved nattuvedi for next day. When he came back to reality that old man was still standing in front of him. He knew that his mom will scold when she sees him giving crackers to the unknown. So he took the old man aside and gave five of his crackers. That old man thanked him and went from there. Anyhow his mother saw that and called him back. He was afraid because he knows how hard his family works for that fifty rupees. When he reached, mother asked him to explain what happened down. He did and his mother hugged him and said "Why don't you give him more?" After hearing this he got excited and and went in search that old man but he never saw that old man again in his life time. He still wonders whether he should regret or feel happy for that incident.

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