A Glass of Water
A Glass of Water

"Things have changed, bro."
"What you mean by changed?"
Ramesh said, "I mean, we have walked a long distance away from casteism. There were times when my mom had a separate glass for our servant and my grandpa never gave wages for labour in their hand. But my father nor my grandfather doesn't see this." Savitha looked at him and gave a sarcastic smile. Ramesh and Vetri looked at her. Vetri understood why she was smiling. He put his head down and smiled. Ramesh asked, "why you guys are smiling?". Vetri said, "nothing" Vetri had a sip from his black tea and asked Ramesh, "do you really think casteism is all gone?". "No..No.. don't get me wrong, bro. I'm almost it's eradicated. I mean, there are some but only in villages. In cities I'm very sure no one sees casteism", Ramesh made himself clear to both of them.
"Ramesh, there is casteism and you just don't have the eyes to see it.", Vetri gave a short and didn't find it's necessary to elaborate. Ramesh was disturbed and asked him, "are you saying I'm dumb?". Vetri took another sip and replied, "hmmm... sort of". Hearing this Savitha felt liking laughing but she controlled. She tried to comfort confused Ramesh and said, "It's not that you dumb. It's just you are not aware".
Ramesh came at normal, took a sip of his coffee and said, "I don't know Vetri. If you think casteism exists, then may it's because of reservation. I'm not being offensive but maybe it's your guilt of having a seat in this college because of reservation and not because of merit".
Vetri rose with anger and stepped to leave that place but something stopped. This is not the first time someone accusing him as culprit nor the first time he rose with rage. He controlled his anger and sat back. Ramesh felt bad and apologized, "I'm sorry Vetri, if you felt bad. But it is the truth, Vetri, casteism is surviving because of reservation. I'm not being casteist he
re. You all know, I'm cool with you guys and I'm not seeing anyone treating you bad. I, myself, have stayed with my lower caste friend and ate with them. Sorry I don't see casteism anywhere around me".
Meanwhile, Savitha got a call and she left.
Vetri lighted a cigarette and said, " do you ever visit the vegetation section of our canteen, Ramesh?" "Ya.. once or twice... but later Venkadesh said that's for vegetarian and he accompanied me here from that day". "Where is Venkadesh now?" Vetri asked and Ramesh searched for him. "Never mind, I know where he is. He is in the Vegetarian section". "Ya, he could be. He is vegetarian" Ramesh said. "Ok... But today you brought vegetarian why didn't he take you with him?". "That wasn't necessary, Vetri. If I wish I can go there". "But was it necessary to take you out while you were drinking coffee inside?".
Ramesh again went to confusion. He can understand what Vetri is trying to say but he doesn't want to accept it. He is some other reason for this situation but he can't get one. Vetri continues, "You live in Sasikanth's house for rent, right?" "Ya" "Do you ever wonder why he never gets inside your house or never even drink a glass of water while you offer?" This question stuck hard in Ramesh's mind. He remembers every time this happens. He never thought these two incidents this way before.
Ramesh wishes Vetri stopped but Vetri continued, "these are just two incidents and the later one, I just made a guess. Even you were casteist when you bragged about you being so kind towards us and being generous by staying with people like me."
Vetri paid for a coffee and two black tea and a cigarette. He said, "Bro, Casteism is in a glass of water and in the God you pray to."
Ramesh was silent. Maybe because he is recalling every incident where caste had a role to play. In some, he is a victim and in some, he is accused.