pawan Mohakul

Tragedy Classics Inspirational


pawan Mohakul

Tragedy Classics Inspirational



2 mins

Confused by the title?
How can death happen before death?

Yes, it happens, We die every time we fear to live. When our relationships break, when someone close to us dies, when we're fired from a job, when we fail in studies-every time we enter a low phase of life, we go into depression. And you know, we feel unbearable pain; undeniable guests enter our minds and take all the spaces. We can't even think rationally. Every small thing seems tremendous And there comes a time when we lose all control over our thoughts and try to end this pain.

But how to end it?

Some people make themselves to conquer, to discover the meaning and purpose of life, to bounce back and some commit suicide. Spirituality really helps to fight depression; having faith in God can ease the pain. So when you feel low, trigger yourself up. No one can do this for you.
And yes, suicide is never a solution; it just transfers the pain from you, to your parents, and close friends. Find your own way and trust you can still start from where you are. You can start with what you have. Carve your own path. May God heal all the broken hearts out there; may the bird from paradise take all your sufferings.

Pawan Kumar Mohakul 

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