Tabassum Hasnat

Abstract Drama Romance


Tabassum Hasnat

Abstract Drama Romance

Crumbling Crescendo

Crumbling Crescendo

3 mins

With toes floundering about the brink of every step I paused every now and then drumming the tips of my fingers along the banister while you stood there, leaning against the old rusted cassette deck with eyes locked on mine. I broke our gaze, and you sighed as if I left you bereaved albeit just for a while; Your fingers, the long bony ones cradled a cassette between them making sure the tape inside was taut before sliding it swiftly into the deck.

A melody began to suffuse the space around us, of some unhonored song from the olden times; I waltzed down the stairs at once till the edges of my chipped nails grazed against your palm, and till my fingers rested without a fault against the gaps between your fingers. With my palms lazing around the back of your neck and calming circles being traced with your thumb upon the small of my back, we swayed in sync often miserably hitting the edge of the dresser often stumbling onto some nearby settee; The rims of your lips rented some corner of my collarbone as your chuckles carved themselves on my flesh as the remembrance of one silly Sunday. 

You twirled me thrice, before pinning me between your arms as the melody lilted, whilst we stood still bare inches apart and we knew it right then and there, we knew we had long ago stopped fooling around, and we knew we had long ago fallen for each other.

Turning around, I rested my head on your shoulder while your stubble trailed along my jaw every time you placed the tenderest pecks on the side of my face. My lips half parted, letting baffling gasps flee through them as the serene heaving of your chest reverberated along the spine of my back. And it was strenuous, my love, stifling the smile that sneered to be let loose as your lips lingered idly, only to fervidly fondle the crook of my neck. 

It was strenuous my love, to bridle those sweltering butterflies palpitating in the pit of my stomach as those arms I had known to only belong swaddled me in your embrace, in my home.

The rhythm, of the selfsame unhonored song from the olden times, rose to a crescendo as your fingers furled around those of mine fitting into one flawless fist, as you whispered avowals of adoration while kissing my shoulder before sweeping me off my feet in one leisurely lift.

And it all came crashing down, as the burnt cigar blazed through my flesh, compelling my languishing lids to abruptly open. The creaking of the recliner ceased, only to commence as my stiffened shoulder blades slouched against its worn-out leathered headrest. The snapped cassette tapes snickered somewhere in the dark, ridiculing the scenarios of the past, of ours, of one such solace, enlacing our togetherness, that now laid utterly ruinated as the song came to one hideously screeching halt whilst I winced at the crescendo that came crumbling down with disjointed lyrics and broken lilts.

And it all came crashing down, as the blackened ashtray and spilled glasses of cruelly chugged whiskey were surreptitiously swept under some rug whilst I winced at the crescendo that once laid claim to our love, that now came crumbling down as those arms I had known to only belong swaddled me in that embrace of yours, in my home.

And it all came crashing down, as I yet again, inbreathed the infidelity etched across that very embrace, the one that had wreaked havoc on my home.

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