
It was a fine day in the city of Woolshire. People were enjoying the day of the spring season. Children were going to school and the markets were full of people. The city was famous for its sea beach. That day, the beach was full of tourists enjoying the breeze and coolness of seawater.
All of a sudden, a boy said loudly to his father, "Daddy, look what is it?"
His father did not give attention to him. The boy hold his father's hand and said to him, "look daddy, it is getting bigger."
His father looked at the boy and the boy pointed his hand to a circular spot that was getting bigger bit by bit per moment.
The father who was a middle-aged man could not understand what that thing was. He called out to his wife to look at that thing. His wife turned to him. She saw a big black circle about one meter in diameter. She got surprised and before she could understand what was this circle, the circle took in her husband and son. She began to shriek in fear. Hearing her shrieks other people around began to look at her and the black circle. Before they understood what was going on, the circle took in her. Seeing this, people got startled and stopped where they were and some began to retreat in fear.
The black circle did not stop at this. It moved toward other people. Seeing it people began to run away. At least ten more people were taken in by the black circle.
The news of the black circle taking in people spread like a wildfire. Police came into action and began an investigation of the matter. The media began to reach the spot. There were several rumors in the air.
In the evening, when after school, some children were waiting for the school bus to return home, a black circle popped up from nowhere, and within a few moments, it took in some children. A parent who was fond of photography make a video of this incident. After this incident, the administration declared a curfew. Soon nobody was in the streets of the city except the police. People were in fear and worried.
Nobody knew what happened to those who were taken in by the black circle.
Soon these black circles began to pop up in other cities of the state. By the next morning, more than a thousand people had been taken in by these circles and many cities were under curfew.
Some policemen fired gunshots at these black circles. But before the gunshots could not enter the black circle. It means the black circle had a mechanism to stop things like a gunshot, and grenade from entering it.
Some journalists and politicians declared these black circles as new weapons being used by enemy nations. Some put forward the idea that Aliens are behind this stuff and abducting people and so on.
"These black circles may be the way to another universe," declared Shivkumar, a famous scientist who believed in the theory of the multiverse. Many scientists and general people agreed with him, but some were not agreed with him.
After two days, those people who were taken in by the black circles began to come out of these circles. These people were caught and sent to hospitals for the examination. They were found physically fit. But their behavior was found to be changed. They were more aggressive and seemed to be hypnotized. They were kept under supervision by psychologists.
To Shivkumar and other scientists returning these people from the black circle was proof of the existence of another universe. Shivkumar was eager to meet these people but the authority didn't allow him to meet these people.
Black circles were still popping up and catching people. There was no way to stop these circles. The world was in panic and governments were declaring lockdown to save people. There is only one ray of hope that some of the engulfed people were returning from these circles. These people were unable to tell anything about what happened to them after entering the black circles. It was as if their memories were deleted.
And the worst came. All of a sudden, those people who returned from the circles, began to attack and kill other people. They came on the streets in groups and began to set the houses and markets on the fire. Police resorted to gun firing on these people. Some were killed and some were caught.
That evening when Shivkumar was busying in the study of his favorite topics, inspector Pavan came to meet him. Pavan was his bosom friend. Pavan put some small devices on the table before Shivkumar and said, "I found these devices tied on the wrists of a people who had come back from the black circles. What is your idea about these devices?"
Shivkumar looked at these devices. The devices were black and rectangular. They had some symbols and marks on them.
Shivkumar said, "In my opinion, these devices are from another universe. Someone in that universe made it to do a certain type of work in our universe."
Pavan said, "people are disappearing into black circles and reappearing from these black circles with these devices and spreading violence all around. What a great mystery!"
Shivkumar looked at him and said, "in my opinion, these black circles are just doors to another universe. If you believe in the existence of another universe, everything is clear to you."
Pavan thought for a little while and then said to Shivkumar, "as per you, this is an attack from the other universe."
Shivkumar said, "yes. What else it may be. I am sure that all this stuff is just an interaction between two universes. Unfortunately, the interaction is violent and harmful."
Pavan said, "we don't know who is in another universe and how much power it is."
It was growing dark outside. All of a sudden Pavan's eyes fell on the glass of the window. Someone was looking through the semi-transparent glass of the window. He shouted, "who is there?" And ran to the window and pulled it open but it was too late. Nobody was there.
He said to Shivkumar, "someone was listening to our talking."
Shivkumar asked, "who can be?"
Just then the servant came in with coffee to serve. They again became busy in their talking."
By the next day, the black circles began to pop up anywhere anytime all over the world. Thousand of people were disappearing into these black circles and after two or there days were reappearing and spreading violence.
Governments all over the world had to give clear instructions to police not to leave alive those who were reappearing from the black circle. But it was not possible to shoot down all those who reappeared from the black circles for sometimes black circles popped up away from the police and military and reappeared people had time to hide.
Military and police tried to stop these black circles by firing heavy artillery but failed in their all attempts.
Meantime Shivkumar decided to go into a black circle and see another universe and meet those who live there. He talked to Pavan about his decision. Pavan did not want to lose his friend.
And then came the worst. One day a big black circle appeared displaying a message that he is coming soon to reign over your universe.
This message was sufficient to spread the waves of panic in people around the world. Soon the reappeared people were on the streets with the slogan, 'he is coming soon to reign over the world.' Now they were out of control.
Shuvkumar could not remain silent on the matter. He organized a meeting on the matter. He invited all his friends, relatives, and scientists.
"Before they came to our universe and conquer us, we should invade them," Shivkumar put forward his idea in the meeting. A very few were agree with him.
His next meeting was with those who agreed with him. In this meeting, they decided on the plan to enter the black circles.
When Shivkumar was returning home in his car after meeting, on the way he noticed that a car was chasing him. Someone was spying on him.
He spent the next two days purchasing and gathering all the stuff needed for his adventure.
When the time came to start their journey to another universe only his assistant named Indra turned up. He and Indra waited for others for hours but nobody turned up. At last, he decided to go along with Indra. They came out late at night on the desolate streets of the city. They had not to wait for long for a black circle. They found a black circle after walking for around half an hour. People were reappearing from this circle. These people were aggressive and shouting slogans.
Shivkumar and Indra stood aside and let these people go on their way. Just then they heard the siren of a police car coming near to them. Shivkumar saw Pavan in the car.
Pavan asked, "what the hell are you doing here?"
Shivkumar replied, "I am going to another universe."
Pavan got off the car and said, "I will not let you go there alone. I will go with you."
Shivkumar didn't want Pavan to take the risk for him but there was no time for argument. He said to Pavan, "if you want to come with me, so be it. Let's go."
Saying so he caught the hands of Pavan and Indra. They began to run towards the black circle. As they reached the circle, the circle disappeared. Shivkumar got disappointed and looked at Pavan. But just then another black circle appeared some meters away from them. They rushed to this black circle. When they reached the circle, they felt a pull and within a moment they disappeared into the circle. They found stark dark around them for some time and then they fo
und themselves in a different place. It was daytime and they found themselves in front of a vast and beautiful palace.
"Beautiful palace," Shivkumar said. They were gazing at the palace and were trying to guess who is the owner of the palace.
Just then the door of the palace opened and about a dozen of the armed soldiers rushed to them. They did not try to run away. The soldiers caught them and took them inside the palace.
They were presented before a middle-aged man. The man was sitting on a golden throne. The man was blue in skin color and had two big round eyes. His ears were larger and he had two small horns on his hairless head.
Seeing Shivkumar the man smiled and said, "oh Mr. Shivkumar, I am pleased to see you. You are welcome to my realm. Seeing that you are curious to see another universe and meet me, I allowed you to come and meet me."
Shivkumar got surprised to hear this. The man said to him, "there is nothing in it to be surprised. We keep an eye on people like you."
Shivkumar asked, "you are right. My curiosity to know about this universe brought me here. I want to know who is disturbing my universe and why? And who are you?"
The man replied proudly, "I am Bedlam. I want to conquer your world and spread my philosophy and teachings to your world. That's why I am catching and bringing people here from your world. Here, their minds are controlled by using various mind control techniques, and then my philosophy and teachings are placed in their minds and the old one is deleted. Then these people are sent back to your universe to spread my philosophy and teaching."
Shivkumar asked, "What is your philosophy?"
Bedlam replied, "my philosophy is very simple. Go to darkness away from the light and never be live with peace is my philosophy."
Shivkumar retorted, "that's why your followers are spreading violence."
Bedlam smiled at this. Pavan began to think something." After a little while, Badlam said, "so you had better accept my philosophy."
Shivkumar thought for some moments and said."I am ready." Saying so he looked at Pavan and winked.
Pavan knew his friend very well. He remained silent for some moments and then said, "I'm also ready. I think your philosophy is new and unique."
Indra looked at both of them and said in a mild tone, "I also."
Shivakumar said, "I will try to convince the governor of our state when going back to my universe."
Bedlam got happy at this and said, "that's great. All of you are wise people."
Shivkumar looked at Pavan and Indra and smiled. Pavan smiled back. The assistant was confused.
"Give them special treatment. They are friendly to us," Bedlam said to his soldiers.
His soldiers took them out of the palace. A big black van was waiting for them. The soldiers made them get on the van. There were no windows in the van. They didn't know where the van would take them.
After about an hour the van stopped and a soldier opened the door of the van and ordered them to come out. They got off and found themselves in front of a building in a secluded place. There was no one around except them and soldiers. The soldiers took them into the building. There was dim light all around the building. They were walking through a corridor. There were big rooms on both sides of the corridor. The door was closed. The corridor was filled with the smell of chemicals. The soldiers took them to an open room. A soldier asked them to wait here for the doctors.
The soldiers got out of the room. Shivkumar heard the sound of closing the door. He said to Pavan, "so they imprisoned us." Indra was trembling with fear. He said, "what will they do to us?"
Shivkumar said, "don't be afraid. I have an idea of what could they do to us."
Pavan and Indra looked at him with fear and curiosity.
Shivkumar continued, "I have a drug that will help us to cope with what they will do."
Pavan said, " which drug! "
"We have no time to discuss it," Shivkumar said and bring out a small bottle and a syringe from his pocket. He began to prepare a dose. He said, "I will inject this medicine into both of you. This will make your brain resistant to any attempt to control your mind."
Pavan and Indra had no other option but to follow Shivkumar. Shuvkumar administered the injection.
They heard the sound of opening the door after about half an hour. The soldiers came and took them to a big room which was like an operation theatre. There were chairs and beds in the room. A soldier ordered them to lie down on the bed. After lying down they felt sleepy. Within moments they fall into a deep sleep. When they awoke they were taken to another building where hundreds of other people were present and all of these people were chanting and shouting slogans in support of Bedlam.
Seeing this Pavan asked one of the guards about these people. The guard told Pavan that they were waiting for their turn to go to another universe.
"When will our turn come?" Shivkumar asked the guard.
Guard replied, "soon you will be in your universe." And then the guard took them to another cell which was away from the mob.
When they were alone in the room, Shivkumar said, "if I had not administered that drug to your bodies, you both would be shouting and chanting like those people."
And the next day, their turn came. The soldiers took them to a big place that was filled with various types of machines. This was used as a launching pad. Soldiers made them enter a glass chamber. As they entered the chamber the door of the chamber closed. After some moments they felt a shock for a moment and then they were in the stark dark for some moment and then they found themselves in their universe. They were standing in front of the governor's office. They took a sigh of relief.
They met the governor and explained the matter to him. In this meeting, Pavan put forth a plan before the governor. The governor gave his assent to the plan. The next day the media was full of news of Shivkumar's voyage to another universe and the news about Bedlam and his philosophy. People were talking about Bedlam.
As per the plan, the next day, the governor declared in a press conference that he along with his supporters was going to surrender to Bedlam, and he along with his hundreds of supporters is going to confess the philosophy of Bedlam. He expressed his desire to meet Bedlam.
After two days, Shivkumar and Pavan again visited Bedlam and gave him the message of the governor. Bedlam was happy to hear that the governor was ready to accept his philosophy. Bedlam permitted the governor's entry into his world along with his supporters.
Meantime the governor was preparing for the voyage to the other world. A company of two hundred well-trained and fully armed soldiers was ready to accompany him.
Shivkumar and Pavan returned and told the governor that Badlam was ready to receive them.
The next day, a black circle appeared in front of the governor's office. Governor and his company were ready to go. They proceeded to the black circle without showing off any emotion. Within minutes they disappeared into the black circle.
Within minutes they were in another world.
The black circle took them in front of Bedlam's palace. Seeing the governor along with his soldiers, Bedlam got happy and proceed to welcome the governor. When Bedlam came near to him, the governor held out his hands and smiled. After a few moments, the governor waved his right hand. Waving of the right hand was a signal to his soldiers to attack Bedlam.
Next movement the governor's soldiers aimed their guns at Bedlam and opened their guns. The gunshots pierced his body and he fell to the ground and died.
With his falling to the ground, a fierce gun battle began between both sides. In this battle, many soldiers were killed from both sides.
At last, the soldiers of Bedlam began to run away. Some of these soldiers were caught by the governor's army. Now Shivkumar, Pavan, and others reached the place being used as a launching pad to send one to another world. Seeing them, the scientists, guards, and other employees who were working for Bedlam surrendered before them. These people were happy at the death of bedlam. One of these people said to the governor "Bedlam was a brilliant but fanatic scientist. He was one of those scientists who developed the technology for going to another universe. He had thoughts and philosophies that were very strange. His fanatism increased with time and a day came when our government removed him from services and send him to this remote part. Here he developed the techniques for mind control and began to propagate his thoughts and philosophy. He misguided us with his philosophy. Being impressed by his thoughts, we began to work for him. Later we came to know the reality of Badlam but it was too late. Since then we were working for him under the threat. We are now free from him. We are ready to help you in going out of this world to your world."
Neither governor nor Shivkumar want to stay in this world and punish these people so they forgave these people. These people made arrangements to send them back. Soon Shivkumar, Pavan, Indra, and the governor were in their home.
The next day of their arrival, all of a sudden a black circle popped up, and hundreds of the rest of the people who had disappeared into the black circle began to appear from this circle. They were happy to return home. And at last, a pair of pigeons appeared from the black circle and began to fly high in the sky.