Narayani chidambaram



Narayani chidambaram


Appreciation a Booster in life

Appreciation a Booster in life

1 min

Ramu was an average boy in his class. He mingles freely with every one. His parents are from a good family. In exam he failed in Maths miserably He was much upset and got nervous as what would happen when he  tells the parents about the marks. Any way he had no other choice than to tell the truth. He was not able to face his father. Father instead called him to come near him. He said nothing wrong if one fails. but next time learn  from your failure to correct the mistakes you did.

     His mother said not to repeat this again. In the next exam he put hard and soul to get good marks

and was successful.He got 80% marks. Happily he came running home and showed his marks to his parents. They patted him and encouraged him for his hard work. Thus in our life appreciation from others are like tonic to us  to give energy. 

       Not only in private life but in all sphere of life work place, school, college, film industry every where  you need applause and patting to come up with positive energy

  So try to appreciate others and do not discourage any one as would create a bad impact. and negative energy.

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