A Story Of Two
A Story Of Two

LOVE is a four letter word but its meaning has huge depth. It’s a feeling which cannot be expressed in words. It is to be felt and when someone feels love they are at top of the world. Love is difficult to define, difficult to measure, and difficult to understand. “Love is not easy, it’s more complicated” said Piyush. An average looking guy, has everything sorted in his life with high hopes Piyush entered the premise of Eastern High School.
A regular day begins at Eastern High but for Piyush it was his first day, a whole new experience to gather. Days passed on and things started becoming normal for Piyush. One day a smile changed his life completely. Piyush was walking with his friends when suddenly someone’s smiling face grabs his attention. A simple face with straight hair and dark black eyes talking with a friend. Piyush got lost in her smile something magical happened which is beyond explanation. “It was magical like something happened to me, I couldn’t speak for few seconds” said Piyush. Piyush was feeling the desperate need to see her again but without knowing a single thing about that girl it was tough to find her out. One Tuesday morning everything was normal in Piyush's coaching class just before the entry of Ritu. Piyush’s heart skipped a beat the moment he saw Ritu. She was the same girl from his school with the same dark black eyes and the innocent smile. Ritu was a plain girl, friendly with kind heart and possessed a soft polite nature. It was Ritu’s first day at the coaching and she was nervous which was easily visible from her facial expressions.
After the coaching, Piyush tried to talk to Ritu but couldn’t succeed in his attempts. School has become a normal place for Piyush without the presence of Ritu but she was completely unaware of the fact. One day all of a sudden Ritu approached Piyush regarding some school projects knowing well that he was a senior and might help her. This was the day from when the beautiful story of two has begun. They have started spending time together daily for two to three hours because of the project and the miracle begins. Things were going great, they both were getting to know each other well. “This is not the way to play it” said Ritu. It was Ritu’s chance to ask questions from Piyush and in the game Piyush revealed his feelings for her. Everything got changed after that day and their lives were changed forever. A new morning for Piyush, he was happy and excited to meet Ritu. It was raining, Ritu was walking holding her umbrella towards her coaching when she saw Piyush walking in her direction. The feeling at that time was inexpressible for Ritu. They were sitting together in the coaching, speaking softly to each other. The atmosphere was full of love and love was accepted by both of them.
Love was growing stronger day by day, they were getting closer. The school fest was coming close day by day and preparations were at its peak. Ritu loves dancing so she participated in a dance for the fest and Piyush was busy admiring her throughout the rehearsals. On the evening of the grand fest, Piyush was desperately waiting for one glance of Ritu. It was an excellent fest with good dance and drama, food was delicious. The moment finally arrives and Ritu came running to Piyush with a big smile on her face. “Let’s go, I have so many things to show to you” said Ritu smilingly. They both had a detour of the whole fest because of too much crowd Piyush held Ritu’s hand and she was blushing the whole time. One fine day they were walking towards their meeting place. It was a winter night, the place was less crowded. All of a sudden Piyush went down on his knees. Ritu was compleletly shocked seeing his action. “I wanted to propose to you once again in the proper way so here it is” said Piyush pulling out the ring from his pocket. They both were looking at each other and blushing and finally, she said yes. Piyush’s happiness knew no boundaries that day. He hugged Ritu so tightly and they had their first kiss. It was the very special night for both of them and it ended with a beautiful line by piyush:
“Love happens when you
Never expect it to be”
Days passed, months passed, years passed but they stood together sharing a very strong bond of love. Finally, the day arrived when Piyush had to go Mumbai for job. Ritu was happy for him but she was unhappy with the fact that Piyush is going far from her. The distance was too much; they won’t be able to meet like before. A happy Ritu for Piyush but with a broken heart went to the airport to bid farewell to Piyush. It was a heartbreaking view for Ritu to see him going away from her. One Tuesday Ritu received an early morning call from Piyush and he was sobbing badly. “What is the matter? Why are you crying?” asked Ritu. He was crying badly then after few minutes he said “I am missing you and I want to be near you in your arms. I can’t take this anymore”. Ritu’s heart skipped a beat after listening to this, tears rolled down her eyes. The weather was not good it was raining heavily. They both cried a lot that day and it seemed like the nature also lamented for their separation.
Piyush completed one full year in Mumbai and now it was his time to return home for a small vacation. It was a fine morning, Ritu was happy and excited to meet him after a whole one year. “Flight is d
elayed” these words wrecked Ritu’s heart now waiting seems too long. Finally, when Piyush arrived, Ritu couldn’t believe herself that he is there standing before her. She was so happy that couldn’t understand how to express her emotions. He hugged her tightly the way he hugged her for the first time. All the memories and special moments came as a flashback. “I am with you now and will always stay like this forever” said Piyush holding Ritu’s hand tightly. The days passed so easily with Piyush that it became difficult for Ritu to let him go again away from her.
After a few months, they both understand and adjusted with each other’s routine. Everything was going with its own pace and love was in the air. One evening they both had a very bad fight regarding not giving time to each other. “You always have time for your own stuff but can’t give me little time” said Ritu angrily over the phone. Piyush was very tired and completely pissed with the conversation and in anger he said many things to her. Ritu got very upset after the fight and switched off her phone for whole two days. They were apart but were thinking about each other all the time. Ritu was crying whenever she was thinking about Piyush and on the other hand Piyush couldn’t concentrate on anything. He was feeling completely lost without Ritu. He was texting her calling her again and again but there was no sign of Ritu. A day without Ritu taught Piyush that he loves her unconditionally. Ritu wanted to call him but she was waiting for him and checking her phone again and again Piyush got so tensed about her that he called her best friend but she refused to tell anything about Ritu. After two days Ritu called him, he was very angry but couldn’t stay without her. Ritu was crying over the phone saying sorry and that’s where all the anger melts down. “I love you to the moon and back” said Piyush. They talked for two hours with smiley faces.
“They are miles apart but close
Close to each other by hearts”
Things were resolved between them everything was peaceful, filled with love. The bell is ringing continuously but there was no one to answer it; Ritu kept thinking this while lying on the bed. “Please someone open the door it’s so irritating” shouted Ritu irritatingly but the bell kept ringing. Ritu pulled herself up drowsily from the bed and walking slowly-slowly reached the door. She opened the door; her eyes remained wide open seeing Piyush in front of her. She couldn’t believe her eyes but Piyush made it feel real. “I love you babe” said Piyush and hugged her tightly.
Ritu and Piyush are two bodies and one soul. “We have come across a long journey together and gonna stay together forever” said Ritu smilingly resting in Piyush’s arms. Relationships have ups and downs but to overcome it and stay strong and together throughout the journey is the most special thing about a relationship.
“Lean back on me
I promise to hold you always
I promise to provide you my shoulder
In your shattered times
I promise to stay beside you
To fill your void
I promise to love you always
In your worst as well as in your good times
As long time ago I took a vow
To be with you
To always be together
To protect you from harm
And to love you till eternity”