Priyanka Panda

Romance Classics Inspirational


Priyanka Panda

Romance Classics Inspirational

A small life is a big Dream...

A small life is a big Dream...

2 mins

There was a boy and a girl, both were strangers, one did not know as to whom, both of them got to know each other and both started taking. Day passed that boy asked that girl for her number, that girl also had a lot of trust in that boy. She also gave her contact number and started talking to both of them and also started talking on whatsapp and that boy that girl Used to respect and care a lot. She also saw his loving care and respect. That girl also started loving and caring for him a lot. One day seeing that girl asks him to walk but that girl never wanted to lose him so she did not let him know how much that girl loves that boy The boy was very stubborn to tell the truth to that girl, I used to think that I love that girl and used to force the boy, that girl also told him the truth and everything. No, so the boy had feigned his love for a long time. To fulfill all the wishes of that boy left that girl and that girl had to send other sms

like dog to get her but that boy did not even answer, cried a lot and looted that girl. Took it doesn't matter that the boy's feet, after a few days That boy did the same, then sat with that girl and spoke with love. Forgetting everything about the past, this girl also made Karki sit on top of her again to fill her heart with respect. It was not a story, it was a story, to get it, to fill it, it was also respected, but that boy's mind was filled again. Again that girl started ignoring many sms and started calling but there was no answer that it is a blind love story of today, that boy never regrets that girl because when someone loves each other, no So Neither the boy nor the girl ever wants to live with a stranger. Do not give power, never used to cheat him, the love story of this boy, that boy does not drink alcohol, Sarab can never acting.

 The boy who cannot respect the girl, no one can ever truly love that girl.

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