Your Failed Crops
Your Failed Crops

O’ God, your pregnant silence
Has given them enough words
To make this abode
Clamorous to the core!
Your sickening inaction
Has swung them into action,
Often bereft of
Any ethical intention.
Your delayed justice
Has left them enough room
To gather fake evidences
Favoring their unjust action.
Your inconceivable omniscience
Has failed to infuse in them
Any willingness to trace
The beginning of their being.
Your grateful benevolence
Has lamed them so brutally,
Crippled them so horribly,
That they now mistake it
As their rightful allotment.
And, your mysterious inaccessibility
Despite your invisible ubiquity, O’ God,
Seems to have lent them
Some unguarded authority
That has widened the gaping gulf
Between You and them.