You Got Me
You Got Me

Life was going along peacefully...
Until you came dashing in one fine day.
From being the apple of their eyes,
I suddenly saw my presence fray.
Instant favorite, a baby of the house -
Little fingers, little toes, tiny little you.
Suddenly I wasn't the cute one anymore;
Everything was adorable - even your Achoo.
I was so jealous, I have no words...
But you crawled your way into my heart.
As days turned to months turned to years,
I realized how we just couldn't stay apart.
My best friend, my partner-in-crime,
My secret-keeper, my handsome little boy.
So well the kid in me remembers -
You were my dearest gift, better than any toy.
Our bond now is indescribable...
Words fall short of what love wants to say.
No matter what, no matter where we go -
You got me, baby... Always & every day.