Mysterious !



Mysterious !


You Are Unique

You Are Unique

1 min

You can only be who you are,

You can never be someone else,

Your qualities are unique as the stars so far,

Then why do you self-assess?

Shouldn’t we be celebrating our differences?

Shouldn’t we be agreeing to disagree?

Then why the need to put down others?

If they somehow want to create their own destiny.

Why the need for external validation so strong?

Why the need for someone’s approval?

As if following our own hear

t full of dreams is wrong,

As if being unique causes an upheaval.

When will we support each other?

And understand that our choices don’t have to be the same.

Will it not fascinate us to discover

Each one’s story as if it were a game?

It takes courage and inner strength,

To not follow the crowd but instead follow your heart,

For life is one enormous labyrinth,

Whose life lessons are tailor-made for you that sets you apart.

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