Will you
Will you
If I got chased down there,
If I can't lift my head out of there,
Will you think of me?
Will you come down to lift me?
I smile today,
Maybe this is only for the day,
If tomorrow I can't hold my tears,
Will you come to stab my fears?
If I lose my mind,
If I forget me,
If I drown in these tides,
Will you come to retrieve me?
If I lose my voice,
If I don't have any reason to rejoice,
Will my voice echo in your mind?
Will you feel it in the winds?
If I l get lost down deep there,
In a labyrinth in despair,
If I hide down in a cavernous place,
Will my face flash in your soul?
Will you come to me,
And take me out of this maze?<
If I run out of Oxygen,
If Life becomes too hard to sustain,
Would my eyes glisten in your heart?
Would you come then
To give it a start?
In my euphoria,
In my bleakness,
Will you remember me?
Will you come to extricate me?
-Adyasha Priyadarshini