Jaco Van Tonder
Why do I care When you don't
Care any more
Before my heart stopped beating, I want to be with my mother and father Before my heart stopped beating, I want to be with my mother and father
I would be finally found, By my own loving sounds. I would be finally found, By my own loving sounds.
Stand I beside an oriel window – poems of Keats and words worthy of this hour with me my only compan... Stand I beside an oriel window – poems of Keats and words worthy of this hour wi...
Let the screaming kid, buried for ages be liberated, by the crust of the new age parent within us. ... Let the screaming kid, buried for ages be liberated, by the crust of the new age...
I haven't watched Titanic since then I haven't had caramel popcorn since then. I haven't watched Titanic since then I haven't had caramel popcorn since then.
The massive pyramid proves to be boundless The massive pyramid proves to be boundless
I am the determination, I am the ambitious ME! I am the determination, I am the ambitious ME!
You gave me precious memories You gave me precious memories
Gosh! this is not happening again, Deja vu moment from past, Gosh! this is not happening again, Deja vu moment from past,
Hopes are potent tools, Flying from Brain stores. Hopes are potent tools, Flying from Brain stores.
If I were to let myself voice what has been so palpable right inside my chest, would these hands I h... If I were to let myself voice what has been so palpable right inside my chest, w...
I don’t expect medals and promotions like you do but i do expect respect and recognition as you do… ... I don’t expect medals and promotions like you do but i do expect respect and rec...
I am forever indebted in you for... I am forever indebted in you for...
Credentials are critical if you want to do something professionally, Credentials are critical if you want to do something professionally,
We don't vibe now, we don't rhyme We don't vibe now, we don't rhyme
But honestly and courageously uses his intelligence. But honestly and courageously uses his intelligence.
Behold I come to shine a light in the dark as this ripple in history hits the nation leaving it shak... Behold I come to shine a light in the dark as this ripple in history hits the na...
One of the most beautiful qualities of true friendship is to understand and to be understood. One of the most beautiful qualities of true friendship is to understand and to b...
Oh dear, may I beseech thou to be not so relentless to me; hath I longed for thee at hours I do not ... Oh dear, may I beseech thou to be not so relentless to me; hath I longed for the...
I am Africa I am the land of complexity I am Africa I am the land of complexity