Wait For Me
Wait For Me

Wait for me, my little prince,
At the zenith of the desert, when dawn is still sleeping,
Here I am, I will come to the moon saddle,
Wait, in a bed of jasmine and laurel.
Wait for me, somewhere at the intersection of dreams,
On the way to you, I collect bouquets of stars,
And I tie them with a gold ribbon of letters,
For some future nicer, more enlightened nests.
Embraces of hope go deep to the core,
Send me faith, a dry tear suffocates me,
I want your hand to hold me forever
And your lips caress my wrinkles on my soul.
Wait for me, the eternal shadow of my sorrow,
Wait for me till I get to your dream,
I'll also bring the warmth of the heart and the spectrum of the Rainbow,
Wait, I'll become your guiding star.
Wait for me, my little prince ..