
Just today,
We found the love
We never thought
We would.
The world has got us
In more ways than
I can even count.
Yesterday, as I come
Down the road of love
I found lovers.
Lovers with broken hearts;
Strong enough to hold on.
Hold on to the one
They think they love
But not know it is
Not the person
But the feeling of love
That they love.
I tell them, this isn't loving.
And it all stops.
They. Me. And the air between us.
I know it's no
t loving,
Because the day I thought it is,
My lover told me otherwise.
We are people,
People with broken hearts.
Wandering around place
Reeking acceptance for
Our heart.
We are people,
People with broken hearts.
Throwing love away like
It's only meant for us.
And, later in the day,
Asking our self
Is it even worth it?
We are people,
People with broken hearts.
Thinking we know what love is
Until we look in the mirror, and
Feel our hearts telling us
That it's tired, and it itself
Doesn't know the language of love.