Ankita Guru



Ankita Guru


Underneath My Bed

Underneath My Bed

1 min

There is something 

Underneath my bed.

It doesn't make a noise 

Or haunt me at night.

However, it makes me nostalgic.

It has wrapped in its darkness 

All my insecurities and fears 

Which I had left in there in the form of tears.

It beckons me some time, 

To meet it when I fetch 

Some time out of my hectic lifestyle.

It whispers in my ears, 

That I will be okay and fine, 

Every time it sees me 

Drenching my pillows 

And quenching my sniffles.

It tries to instill in me 

Irresistible persistence 


perseverance so that 

I can continue to have faith 

In my existence.

On some nights, 

It narrates me the stories 

Out of my own life, 

When I had defeated 

My apprehensions and rose out 

Of it with laughter and giggle.

It reminds me, 

How I used to make 

My world beautiful 

Just by wearing a smile 

On my face which reflected my heart. 

My childhood lives 

Underneath my bed 

And wheedle me at times, 

So that I would revisit it, 

However, little did it know, 

We can't travel back in time.

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