Raj abhishek singh



Raj abhishek singh


They Are The Ones

They Are The Ones

1 min

They are the ones

Who has carved me

They are the ones

Who has shaped me


They are the ones

Holding whose hands

We stepped in the field of education

The field of knowledge, the field of imagination


They are the ones

Who taught us to read and write

To respect others

And to be polite


They are the ones

Who made us punish

For the sake of ours

For us to nourish


They are the ones

Who made us count

Not only the stars

But also the milestones afar


They are the ones

Who lifted me whenever I fell

And made me stand

On my legs again


They are the ones

Who shout us today

To enlighten our future

And prepare for a better next day


They are the ones

Who gave the definition of life

Taught us the meaning of living

Taught us to strive


They are the ones

The incarnations of God

My gurus, my teachers

As they are called

I don’t know what to say I don’t know how to thank all I can do is Thank with joined hands 

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