



The Virgo Woman Of The Zodiac

The Virgo Woman Of The Zodiac

2 mins

An ancient tale of the Eastern flower I hereby tell

Once you know its fragrance, you'll be in its spell

Look into the sparkling and clear eyes of a Virgo

Pure thought and purpose reflect forevermore.

Under the platinum jewels and green jade dress

Is a dependable sincere woman you'll long to caress

An alluring Earth-sign maiden with a backbone of steel

The true inner need to be needed is her Achilles heel.

Basically shy, intelligent, very loyal and mysterious

She pursues life with determination and is meticulous

Once the heat of her passion is ignited beyond lust

She'll share herself cautiously with whom she trusts.

Extremely critical of her photo and overall appearance

She looks after her health with an iron will and prudence

Following a well balanced diet with exercise and meditation

She makes a good nurse and is usually a vegetarian or vegan.

Blessed with a magnetic aura, grace and Mercurial charm

The Herculean challenge she faces is to keep her nerves calm

A perfectionist and hardworker with an eye for every detail

In noisy and crowded places she feels uneasy and goes pale.

Theatre and parades release her emotions from within

When she's cranky and irritable though chances are slim

Quickly she denies her mistakes, faults and bad habits

That affect her digestive system and emotional balance.

Fond of buttercups, crocuses and small

bright flowers

Turn to her when bad luck seems written in your stars

A patient listener adept at bringing order out of chaos

Laziness, accepting favours and illusions make her gross.

Deadly practical and divinely romantic at the same time

Her responsible nature and quiet courage burn pristine

Capable of making giant mountains out of tiny molehills

Misspelled words and bad grammar are among her pet peeves.

Cats, birds, all domestic animals and small helpless creatures

Appeal and beckon instantly to her vulnerable nature

Behind every powerful man with dignity and poise she sits

The alluring Virgin maiden symbolised by the Virgo hyacinth.

As a mom she is delightful, loving, firm, funny and gentle

She loves to teach discipline and good manners but won't yell

With order she'll attend to every little need of her child

Be it physical, moral or educational, no matter how mild.

A master critic who can spot mistakes from across the mile

When you'd only be noticing her soft lips and angelic smile

She can be the best shaper in the zodiac of her destiny

Once she's learnt to master life's details with certainty.

Ruled truly by Vulcan the lame God and planet of thunder

Bestowing courage and confidence, nervousness He'll asunder

Less compatible Mercurial pressure on her will then decline

As the Greek God comes closer to earth with a purpose pristine.

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