Action Inspirational Children



Action Inspirational Children

The Teacher

The Teacher

1 min

Science is her passion ...

Mind is full of innovation !

She keeps on motivating the learners

To follow their incredible interest 

In scientific skill .

Her presence in the Science Laboratory

Directs the learners to its fullest potential...

Her teaching skill is unique...

The easiest way she does applies

To guide and lead the learners

As per the time schedule and sometimes

Beyond that.

A teacher in a way ...

Whose first preference is duty

Towards her students ---

Even being unwell, she attends her 

Duty ; 

That's rarest of the rare !

She inspires others 

To work in unity ...

She herself utilises her time

In quality time management !

She guides the needy : she leads the needy --

She understands others needs!

So, she is a pathfinder -- a high thinking human being --

I can proudly say that 

She is a successful teacher.

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