The Leaf
The Leaf

The gust of wind
Strength of the roots
Changing colors of the season
Sweeps me in and out
I am fragile and docile
Yet beautiful and full of life
Yes I am leaf
I hold your tears like a morning dew in fog
Don't let you sweat in scorching heat
Nor let you wet in monsoon rains
From the young sapling to vibrant foliage
Yes I am leaf
You are rich with my existence
Worshiped and watered to have my glimpse
Hope of a family to grow into a young tree
Make your courtyard look fresh and green
Yes I am leaf
I am the time telling you your countdown
With the spring i burst into many
With the autumn i shed to reincarnate you
Yes I am leaf
I cha
nge my being from seasons to seasons
From green, yellow to brown
From soft , firm to broken
From roots, branches to ground
Yes I am leaf
I never leave you
The winds blow me in all directions
Yet I m glued to you
Not even the torrents can separate me
Yes I am leaf
I make my own journey to fall out
To give you new life line
Pale brown sick
I separate from you
Not to give you pain
But to revive
Yes I am leaf
From life to death
Only season can change my colors
Happiness is attached to your strings
While apart immersing into the soil
To give you new existence
Yes I am "leaf"
You are the "tree"
~~ Jyotima