Shishir Mishra

Children Tragedy


Shishir Mishra

Children Tragedy

The Cry Of Innocence

The Cry Of Innocence

1 min

Oh my great God,

Let me not wonder in this busy world,

That who you are,

 Let me go to that stage when I was a child,

Let me have that chance again to pray you,

Oh my great birth soul,

 Let me not wear gentle black shoes that,

I fear of you for these bubble reputation,

Let me go to that stage when I was a child,

Let me have that chance again to play with you,


Oh my dear soul,

Let me not have attitude and pride that,

I ignore my past friends,

Let me

go to that stage when I was innocent,

Let me have that chance again to bunk with them,


Oh my dear light,

Let me not be blind that I forget,

The sacrifice of my parents,

Let me go to that stage when I was innocent,

Let me have that chance again to sleep in my mother's lap,


Oh my beloved magnificence,

Let me not be addicted to the roses,

That I refuse to smell my old village,

Let me go to that stage when I was naive,

Let me have that chance again to love that essence.

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