Sreelekshmi S Pillai

Drama Others


Sreelekshmi S Pillai

Drama Others

That Sinister Malefactor

That Sinister Malefactor

1 min

I was warned to be on guard,

Against burglars and beggars,

Against murderers and muggers,

Against predators and procurers.

I was cautioned of the hooting cat callers,

Of disappointments from gentleman callers,

Of the deceptive intoxication of infatuations,

Of perversions in parlous stations.

I was taught to shield myself,

From the prying hands of crowded places,

From the lecherous eyes of deserted spaces,

From mudslinging malicious faces.

Yet, they forgot to warn me,

Of that sinister malefactor -

The thoughts that I manufacture.

Broodings that breed like cancer,

Devouring my very center.

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