Tetanus Toxoid
Tetanus Toxoid

The duo stopped at a shop in the town
Sister with hope and brother with a frown.
The stiletto, pump, wedge and d’orsay
Made her the queen of the day.
Unknown to her, the sleeky heels but
Had a nail to pierce
Reducing her to a victim of rusted metal cut
And her brother’s firing – so fierce.
The next halt – at the Doc’s
He began with his needle and routine talks –
Distracting questions (about her) too nice
To take away fear from eyes,
Followed by the infrasonic scream
Tears washing away the cream
Blood carrying the tetanus toxoid
Soul shrinking into the void
Moments later, recovering fast,
Ready to reply at last
“28 years old zoology proff ”
Saying so she went off.