Tales Of A Griffin!!!
Tales Of A Griffin!!!

A fistful of dollars
May get you to college.
Yet a mere degree can
Never suffice for knowledge.
You get yourself a job
For a few dollars more,
Wherein almost daily your
Incompetence brought to fore.
You seldom get to realize
When monotony sets in snugly,
Takes years to get to know
The good, the bad and the ugly.
A mere cage of papers could
Never hold a Griffin.
A lion and an eagle,
Eats dangers for its Tiffin.
Why rot away in a cubicle,
When heavens you could scorch?
Heart of poet, immortal fire,
Few are passed the torch.
Just dive down deep and sure,
To the fiery depths of hell.
Your name is the stuff of legends,
Your scars an epic tale.