My Resolve!!!

My Resolve!!!

1 min

Frost can have his roads and woods,

A man he was of vagrant moods,

I am however not so lucky,

Have to's always bully my shoulds.

Should I do as others bid,

Or give in to heart's desire?

Should I do what seems conventional,

Or give a spin to the bizarre?

As I peek into the crystal ball,

Find myself just lost in the fray,

Yet, whenever I close my eyes,

Dreams transmute work out of play.

Should I slog from nine to nine,

Let my salary ease the pain.

Freedom, aspirations nipped in the bud,

Do I lose or stand to gain?

Yet somewhere deep do I know,

As I put my life at stake,

A breathing lump on a verdant speck,

Still a difference I can make.

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