Steps Of Life
Steps Of Life
Highly precious is getting the gift of Lovable Life,
Valuable and adorable is attaining the Human Life,
Everyone of us goes through different phases of Life,
One should enjoy these lovely lively stages of Life!
Every phase is life is like the steps in a ladder,
Every step in every stage of life is a pathfinder,
Every Respectable Parent, Teacher, friend is a commander,
Every person is his own shareholder and ringleader!
Birth of life from Universe leads to childhood,
Then to Adolescence period to energetic bachelorhood,
Young time gives the strength to earn the livelihood,
The different experiences give the step for adulth
As the person goes up and up in the ladder of life,
There comes the maturity with arrival of midlife,
Self-Realization comes to have a ethical highlife,
Because nobody knows what is in store in afterlife!
As the Old age step comes nearer and nearer,
Life becomes more and more dearer and dearer,
There should not be space for the death fear,
The final step to go back to universe is very clear!
Everyone comes from Universe to the Planet Earth,
Everyone's Lifetime should have the unique worth,
Every step in life leads physical and mental growth,
The Holy Bhagawadgita gives this Wisdom Wealth!