Mayank Kumar

Action Crime


Mayank Kumar

Action Crime



1 min

My legs are hurting

I am feeling dizzy

I still remember the day

It was not easy

It was a night horrible

I was in the streets alone

Walking on all my own

I was still young, and not fully grown

Someone walked past me

He looked handsome and sweet

But he turned around and shoved me

Causing me to fall straight

"Owch! Help, please!" -I pleaded

But he smirked and jumped over me

He held me tight as I squealed

I tried to protest and get free

He unbuttoned my shirt

"No! Get Off!"-I screamed

But he just hurt

And forced me to lay still

I w

inced in pain

Tears were running down my cheeks

I tried to refrain

But he was stronger, and so he wins.

He unbuckled my jeans

And ran down his hands

He forced us to lock our lips

"No, please. Leave me." -I said

I cried in pain and screamed

But nobody came that day

He tore my skin, and ripped

And I could do nothing but scream

I prayed and I cried

But no God came that day

No one heard my voice

And humanity died that day

Today, I still hide in a corner

I cry every day and wince in pain

For nobody cares

That I was ever RAPED!

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