Poetic Anthem: Kaweeshwer
Poetic Anthem: Kaweeshwer

This country is beautiful India
Gandhiji's dream motherland
Truth is the ideal country of non-violence
Condemnation message of slave chains
|| This country ||
Values of life Gandhiji cultivated in the country Bapuji,
who obeyed and showed kindness
Our patriarch who faced tough tests A great leader
who dedicated his life to the country
|| This country ||
Accompanied by this weave due to the ever-recognizable youth
Swachhbharata is an
adaptable, imitative method
Gandhi was the universal leader who paved the way for the nation
The credibility of leading and traveling that path
|| This country ||
Idealism, affection is the winner of good deeds efficiency
A developed country with continuous labor prosperity
Confidence, self-confidence and the truth of life are inseparable
Kurimi Sampada, Cherimi Lakshasiddhi is a natural species
|| This country ||