kartik m

Abstract Drama Tragedy


kartik m

Abstract Drama Tragedy

One Puff Closer To The End

One Puff Closer To The End

1 min

This magical 70mm tube gives me unadulterated joy,

Provides an unexplainable rush, and a thrilling high,

Is the promise it brings, real or death's cunning ploy?

Isn't life much easier, living with a lie?

A lie I tell myself every waking day and night,

As I surrender myself to its dark embrace,

One more puff and drag seems so right,

Stumbling, every step of the way in life's race.

Me and you, Lip locked in a divine union,

As vampires sucking the life out of each other,

Like priests in the neighborhood communion,

Do we have anything left, but our lives to smother?

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