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Classics Inspirational



Classics Inspirational

O My Lord Entellus

O My Lord Entellus

2 mins

O Lord Entellus my Omnipresent Lord

Your kind appearance on the surface

Is the crying need of the hour to show

Your effulgence for destroying the foe.

The foes of human beings' inner and

Outer who destroys the qualities of

Man and turn them into brutal worms

Which are called anger, lust, greed,

Illusion, pride and jealousy are like the devil.

O my beloved Lord purest image of

Lord Shiva with a benevolent motive

That has been actively present since

Ages and hallowing the life of men.

Respect for women's race and saving

Their chastity and integrity in the land

Of Guru Nation of the world withstand

Amid the encircling incompatible mind.

O Great devotee of, Lord Sriram, Master

Of the universe never grieve for His

Departure as we are alert always to

Make you hear the sweet Ram Naam.

Mountain meadows plateau groves

Gardens everywhere You roam with a

A glance at the distressed people of the

Globe without discrimination and hatred.

Because of the strong passion some

Aryans are now about to forget your

Benevolent deed of the past by

Underestimating you as a meagre ape.

O Lord of the terrestrial field of Kaliyug

And the destroyer of six deadly foes

Of mankind please lead us on the path

Of Human love and sympathy with a kiss.

We know the ladder of all religions carry 

Us to God, our goal with sheer pious fury

Though the perversities misguide us

With enormous negative force to retreat.

O Lord lead kindly light amid the

Encircling rubbish and adversities of

Human life can be set right by

The kind interference of Your omnipotence throughout the globe.

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