My first Baby
My first Baby

Beautiful expressions aspiring to live,
Thou destined in my mind for its revive,
Almighty blessing me with narrative,
Expressions taking its birth in my concieve!!
Representing the creations around,
Significant events coming live in rewind,
Expressing all of them in profound,
In her the sweet memories compound!!
Taking its form is my first Baby,
It's own phrases are its lullaby,
In its r
ise, the Rays of Expressions,
Spreading its rays, she heightens and brightens!!
In her world, she fully entertains,
Welcoming one with full of expressions,
Living beyond her lines in readers hearts,
My first Baby is live in Rays of Expressions!!
Immortal she is in her expressions,
Bless her as she grows along with us,
Welcome her in your souls and hearts,
My first Baby is live in Rays of Expressions!!