Drama Tragedy Children



Drama Tragedy Children

My Angel Mother [PART1]

My Angel Mother [PART1]

1 min

Before the creatures set up for a day; and

 The reluctant milkman brings in the milk

 Lazy is the sun shining over the lake

Here, the iron lady is already awake

Life seems barren; when vacant is the shrine

Lingering in the sky for the dawn, hitherto to whine 

And thy silence spreads when air is hushed around

There sits the peeress woman chanting on the ground

It’s dawn and the sun has raised

The coffee is served next to the bed and the windows are opened 

These lazy men are stuck to the bed; only 


Because women have already woken.

Labouring in her kitchenette as a caretaker ;

Endearing responsibilities as a peacemaker

There she leads her life in toil

Again forges herself to drudge and moil

Though we are proud enough to declare

We live in a country which grants us liberty 

But when we ponder over her eye’s sparkling light

We could then discover her, juggling plight.

To be continued...

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