Those Days Sublime

Those Days Sublime

1 min

Lovely were those days

When we didn't have a care.

Where the bread came from

Or who paid the fare.

Wonderful was the time

When the only worry at all,

Was - who pulled my pigtail

who made me trip and fall

Innocent was the life

When we believed in elves and gnomes,

Out of pillows we made walls

From the blankets we made domes.

Joyful were the days

When cousins came visiting,

Homes brimmed with laughter

Kids playing hopping skipping

Peaceful were the nights


With mom telling a beautiful tale.

Her sweet lullabies tried to make us sleep

While dad's silly anecdotes tried to regale.

Gone are those days

Lost are those silly sibling fights.

Forgotten is that simple life

Missing are those tranquil nights.

Now we are friends of technology

Aloof to our kin

Entrenched in this materialistic world,

Completely lost in its din.

While the world clamours

For means to zoom ahead in time

How I wish I could once more

Go back to those days sublime!

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