Meant To Be?

Meant To Be?

1 min

I get dreams of you

like flashbacks in a movie,

I remember your essence

like I was really there with you in them,

I remember how you looked like,

how I will never be able to forget

how you felt in them,

How is this illusion of having you so strong

when you are never really here with me?

Is it my mind playing tricks on me?


is it a reality that was meant to be?

It's so hard to explain to you in reality


ow I feel,

How I believe our bond is strong,

How I feel we are meant to be,

It's like a message in bottle

that's yet to be opened,

that's yet to be seen,

Why does it feel so difficult

to confess my love for you?

Why is it still difficult

to face you in reality?

I keep dreaming of you every night

like a fiction that never ends,

Is it just a phase that I'm going through?


Is it a real story that's yet to begin?

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