Me, My Shadows And Death
Me, My Shadows And Death
A crack in the glass, small
Yet it all falls apart, the heart
Said the shadow with a dark smile
Yet withers not the bloom of despair
Drawing blood and tears, a river does it create
Replied I with sorrow as my tone and
And anguish as my voice
Goes on the wheel that is time
Repair does the glass be
All that remains is life
Until I claim it to be mine
Said death with an icy smile
Is it not a sin to let this go
Willingly to forgo the sadness
It has come on its own accord
Without shattering the glass it will not go back
Said the shadow with a howling cry
Why do I have to bear these pains
Of such glass so easily broken by
Could I not let this all go
And be with death my ally
Said I, looked at death now with a risen eye
It is easy to want to glide by my side
Less pain does it seem to give
Sounds like a drea
Until you see the day's you didn't live
Howling cries and agony of loss
A helpless mind
And a bleeding cause
The shattered glass would seem fine
When you realize,
Your time has now become mine
The emotions you didn't feel
The songs you didn't sing
The lips you didn't kiss
The moments you did miss
I will let you look at all of them, a little lie
Will I let you speak, just a little cry
While your shadow will slowly seep into mine
Just as inseparable as grape and wine
It would then seem that a shattered piece is better than no peace at all
It would then feel that cracks are something
Only pain can solve
I stared at both my shadow and death
One I had to choose while there was a noose to my neck
One gave pain while the other gave a pit
It would take a leap of faith to see
Where these broken pieces fit.