Norah Bolubatolu Ratu



Norah Bolubatolu Ratu




1 min

A life a time together

Away from the traffic of life

Sink into each other's embrace

A nest they make warm each cold night

Drink to the brim

Intoxicated emotions 

Emerging from the core

Nature watch in silence 

When two hearts dance 

In rhythm and rhyme into the blues

There's no turning back

In sickness in darkness 

Two perfect hearts beat as one

Through the storms of life

Both sail through the storm

Hand in hand 

A team a game

Win or lose 

They hang in there

Best of friends 

Companions of love

Their love they cherish

The sheets kept clean

Just for the two of them

God seals it 

No one can break it

Marriage is sacred

Keep it that way

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