Lulu The Goldie
Lulu The Goldie

Let’s just say this,
Dogs and I are not an ideal mix.
Though I have lots of friends who own a dog,
We have never seen each other in the eye, let alone engage in a dialogue!
But then, all this changed when I met Lulu,
She is my daughter’s golden retriever, the colour of a baked cashew.
To see her as a two month old pup, all warm and cuddly,
Something melted in my heart as she looked so dewy and fuzzy.
When she gazed at me with those big beguiling eyes,
She had me absolutely hypnotised.
Mischievous little ball of fur is she,
Buzzing around the house in her harness of yellow bumble bee.
Biting and chewing everything in sight,
She treats my hands like a canvas for showing off her dog bites.
She potters around the house as if it is her personal fiefdom,
Marking the territory with her trinkets and guarding her freedom.
il wagging she follows me to the fridge,
As she knows it’s full of her treats!
Good behaviour on her part is amply rewarded,
Though most of the day, all my commands are royally disregarded.
Helter skelter she runs about on the lawn,
Gnaws at a twig like a bone, she is such a moron.
Her inquisitive eyes swivel her head in all directions,
And the tail wags constantly to show her happiness and affection.
Her perky little nose is forever sniffing the ground,
In her mind, I am sure she thinks she is a foxhound.
She guards all that she collects so zealously,
Woe betide anyone who steps on them even accidentally.
I am a newly minted grandmother to this bundle of energy,
A role which I now embrace blithely.
In my life she has brought so much cheer and joy,
That I am forever indebted to my daughter for giving me this precious toy.